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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 27, 2018

    Illusion and conjuration is a good combo, though I doubt it would work without stealth. If they see you, they'll kill you.

  • Member
    September 27, 2018
    Not if you use Fear spells and have your minions chase the enemy down. It’s a good tactic for Flame and Storm Atronachs.
  • September 27, 2018

    If you are fighting multiple enemies, that might not save you. You can summon only one atronach and your magicka pool will allow you to cast only a few Fear spells.

  • September 27, 2018

    Nalfien went to an evening soul hunt in the tundra near Whiterun and noticed a light not far from the city walls. He went to investigate and found a small smugglers' camp. He had some fun with yhem, making them attack each other and was just contemplating the options of what to do with the last, when all of a sudden a werewolf showed up. He tore the last bandit to shreds but the poor sod didn't go down without a fight and injured the beast enough for Nalfien to kill him with a few firebolts. The rest of his hunt was rather uneventful, just some wolves and mudcrabs. Level 17.

  • Member
    September 27, 2018
    Ok this is absurd. I saw like 3 werewolves simce 2011. What did you do to piss off Hircine :D
  • September 28, 2018
    Illusion and conjuration is a good combo, though I doubt it would work without stealth. If they see you, they'll kill you.

    If you are fighting multiple enemies, that might not save you. You can summon only one atronach and your magicka pool will allow you to cast only a few Fear spells.

    Eh, it just depends. To be honest your actually a lot better off if there are multiple enemies early on because of Fury being incredibly useful as long as there's a few enemies, honestly I had more trouble finishing fights than starting them off. It's mostly because Frenzy Spells have an interesting effect of resetting the aggression of an NPC, meaning you can adjust who they're attacking to an extent, as long as there's someone closer or you move out of range towards another enemy, your kinda set for that fight. Throw in Raise Zombie and you've got an easy way to end the fight later on.

    But yeah, ended up getting killed by an Archer somewhat predictbly, it was probably a fight I could've avoided since it was just the two Bandits outsidde of WHite River Watch, so more than anything it was me getting a bit greedy and trying to Fury the Archer, meant I was out in the open for a bit too long and missed my first spell. 


    Third Character: Morgov the Terrible 

    Race: Nord (Battlecry might be a better panic button than anything else.)

    Primary Skills: Destruction and Conjuration

    Cantrips: Sparks and Raise Zombie

    Other Early-Game Spells: Oakflesh, Bound Sword (Levelling Conjuration + Good Finisher to have in the books) and Healing.

  • September 28, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: Ok this is absurd. I saw like 3 werewolves simce 2011. What did you do to piss off Hircine :D

    You don't have the Moonlight Tales mod then) Before that mod I didn't see much werewolves either. Though I find it quite fun, having enemies that are scary even on novice. They create a lot of hilarious situations too.

    Dragonborn2021 said:

    Eh, it just depends. To be honest your actually a lot better off if there are multiple enemies early on because of Fury being incredibly useful as long as there's a few enemies, honestly I had more trouble finishing fights than starting them off. It's mostly because Frenzy Spells have an interesting effect of resetting the aggression of an NPC, meaning you can adjust who they're attacking to an extent, as long as there's someone closer or you move out of range towards another enemy, your kinda set for that fight. Throw in Raise Zombie and you've got an easy way to end the fight later on.

    But yeah, ended up getting killed by an Archer somewhat predictbly, it was probably a fight I could've avoided since it was just the two Bandits outsidde of WHite River Watch, so more than anything it was me getting a bit greedy and trying to Fury the Archer, meant I was out in the open for a bit too long and missed my first spell.

    If they already see you when you cast Fury, they will still attack you, at least some of them. And in many situations you cannot stay out of range and/or have nowhere to run. Low-level zombies are weak and don't last for long too.

  • September 28, 2018

    Haven't had much time to play the last couple of days.  Was able to pick up Oakflesh in Shroud heath Barrow, now Zodd is debating if he should contine and clear the rest of the barrow or just head back with his cantrip.

  • Member
    September 28, 2018

    It'd be interesting to see someone try a spellblade here, but I just don't see Spellblades being able to crawl out of the lower levels on single-death with no armor on Master.


    Gonna whip up another and just be sure to introduce Flame Atronach into my life early.

    This next one is a Bosmer by the name of Allindor Greenlock. Al is fairly cosmopolitan for a Bosmer, but nature is in his bones, and he has a deep connection with the wilds which grants him strange dreams. He'll be rocking the Cantrips Healing and Clairvoyance. 


    I spawned him as "A Necromancer in a secret location" through the Live Another Life mod, and he was spawned in Sinderion's Field Laboratory. The second he walked out, the level 1 mage was murder-shanked by a Dwarven Automoton. 

    Why do I keep doing this to myself?

  • September 29, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    I spawned him as "A Necromancer in a secret location" through the Live Another Life mod, and he was spawned in Sinderion's Field Laboratory. The second he walked out, the level 1 mage was murder-shanked by a Dwarven Automoton. 

    Why do I keep doing this to myself?

    Ha, ha!  I really have a love-hate relationship with that starting location!  I've avoided it like the plague in this challenge for that very reason.


    Cirroc, my Redguard storm mage (lightning destruction and healing only, to start with) was doing great.  He cleared Bleak Falls, walked around parts of Skyrim, defeated his first dragon (with the help of a Dark Elf and some Whiterun guards), and generally dispatched anything he came across.  After the Jarl rewarded him for defeating a dragon, he set out with Lydia to help a fellow Redguard recover his father's sword.  They went into a cave near Whiterun and defeated multiple bandits.  However, toward the end of the cave, he encountered a wolf and five bandits.  He was helping the wolf defeat the bandits when Lydia decided to push him out in the open.  Within a second, two arrows found their mark and Cirroc went down.  There was nothing noble about it.  He was level 6.

    I believe my next build will be a mage focused on restoration and alteration (focused on defense), though I will need some offensive capabilities to support myself with until I can get damage from my restoration.  I am pondering what to add to the mix (or to always have a follower).  Off I go to put together a backstory and a plan!