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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • Member
    October 4, 2018
    Oh I was talking about the conjured Daedra. The Daedric Armor thing was just me playing around because I saw you do a good-sized post about it a little ways earlier in the thread. There is no reason the character would have been wearing Daedric Armor. XD
  • October 4, 2018

    I actually thought that too, for the reasons I listed in that post. But who knows, maybe your guy just likes Daedric armor))) As for conjured Daedra, imagine for a second, what would be the reaction of the people of Winterhold if a college mage summoned an atronach in the street? The people of Alinor aren't as backwards as the Nords, but still, they would not like it. It is dangerous.

  • Member
    October 4, 2018

    Edel Arlodalf. An Altmer who lost the memory of his past. Waking up in a house in Cyrodiil He searches the House but all He finds is a dusty old book with a Name on it.

     Seeing that Name...he remembers like in a Trace. His Name, where he is and he sees some kind of Green Skull on a Black Surface. He Snaps out of it and opens the Book, it looks like a kind of Speelbook. The first Two pages showing a Map with a marked location in Skyrim. Labyrinthian.... The following 2 pages contain notes about spells. Equilibrium: a kind of power source spell? But the Notes dont seem Complete, And a basic Healing Spell. With nothing else holding him in Cheydinhall, He sets out to Skyrim to Invstigate his Past. 

    He will unlock parts of his Past by gaining experience in the Arcane Arts. He is young and talented in all schools of Magic but has an affinity for Conjuration Magic.

  • Member
    October 5, 2018
    I’ll swap him to being a traveling Initiate of the College of Whispers who is tracking Daedric Artifacts, then. I just had a four day, sixty hour work week. I’m beyond tired.
  • October 5, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: Edel Arlodalf. An Altmer who lost the memory of his past.

    Wow, this one is awesome! Considering how the Altmeri memory works and how important it is for them, this has a potential for a great and quite dramatic story.

    Mercurias said: I’ll swap him to being a traveling Initiate of the College of Whispers who is tracking Daedric Artifacts, then. I just had a four day, sixty hour work week. I’m beyond tired.

    Oh, that's tough. Is this a one-time occasion or it's how you always work?

  • Member
    October 5, 2018
    I’m in insurance, so it varies by how many claims come in. I was also prepping for a vacation, which I’m now on. Im at the doctor now and will be headed home in the afternoon to nap and try to fix my game (I think removing Legacy of the Dragonborn will fix it).
  • October 5, 2018

    Oh, I see. A job like this requires nerves of steel. As calm and quiet a person I may be, had I worked on such a job, I think I'd end up murdering someone or jumping out of a window. So you must be a real superhero)))

  • Member
    October 5, 2018


    After Inscibing a Few Basic Spells into His Spellbook, Edel went to Sleep.

     He was Plagued with a Nightmare through the entire Night. A Horrific Scene displayed from his Point of View. 

    He saw an Infant being run through by a Dagger and the Blood collected in a Jet Black Goblet plastered with Ornaments and ... again ... that Green Skull He saw in his Vision earlier. 

    He awoke drenched in Sweat Clenching the Book in his Hand. He took a Minute to regain his composure. He got up and went on With his Day. 

    He had a Note with a Job from the Jarl given to him by the Inn keeper. 

    He Studied his Spells to set out.

    As he was about to finish prepairing his Raise Zombie spell he got another Vision. A Staff with a Horned Skull Ornament Sucking out some sort of essence from a Person. He snapped out of it and finished preparing his Spells, setting out to Valtheim Towers to collect a Bandit Chiefs Bounty. 

  • October 5, 2018

    Oh, wow. In some parallel universe you totally are my brother. This fellow reminds me strongly of my main, who also happens to have suffered from amnesia. I can totally relate with his feelings and I already feel bad for him for the revelation he is apparently going to face.

  • Member
    October 5, 2018


    Great Minds Think Alike :D