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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 30, 2018

    Errr, maybe not a brother but a sister? Since I am, in fact, a woman, lol)))

    But yes, the variety of clothes (and also of food, books, tools and all other kinds of things one carries in one's inventory) is one of important things that give me immersion. My main guy usually wears the Thalmor uniform, of which he owns two differently enchanted sets, in the Imperial territory or a set of common robes with unarmored vampire boots hood (because they look cool and suit the robes) in the Stormcloak territory or where he doesn't need to advertise his connection to the Thalmor. He also owns a set of Stormcloak mage robes ehich he wears with the mask of Morokei when he is on a Stormcloak-related mission, and a set of College master robes for the College budiness where his Thalmor uniform would not benefit him. When he is resting in his quarters or in an inn he wears simple blue robes as pyjamas. He wears them when he goes to bed too. For the cold and rainy days he has various cloaks, fur and hide. He never wears armors because they are heavy and uncomfortable and restrict his movements. He is a rich noble elf and values comfort. And for the battle against Alduin he would wear only his Thalmor robes, because they represent who he is and what he fight for.

    Also I always change and sort all the things in the inventory, leaving all the unnecessary stuff in a closet.

    Daedric armor is a total no-no for me for a number of reasons. First, it's something one cannot normally obtain, unless one happens to kill a dremora of the exactly same size and build. Second, it is a connection to Oblivion, which most good or Aedra-worshipping characters would not want, and the majority of my characters worship the Aedra. Third, from the perspective of common sense, one wouldn't want to walk among in such an armor in public, people hardly would like it. And fourth, it just looks weird and out of place.

    Tbh, my favorite vanilla armor is the fur armor with sleeves. It makes the most sense to wear in the cold. Also I'm quite fond of the Skaal clothes.

  • Member
    September 30, 2018


    Didnt know that xD But yes i like to sort my Inventory when im at Home i dont like to carry arround extra stuff i watch my weight so i dont get over 100 with a little bit of wiggle room. But i carry arround some books food paper and coal and so on ^^ I also sarry Nails and Leatherstrips to strengthen Skeletons i find for Resurrection ^^Usually when i find Armor or Robes i Role a D20. if i roll a 20 i got lucky and the Armor fits of not i have to take it to a Smith to get it reworked to fit me same goes for Robes boots etc, i take those to the Clothes shop in Solitude ^^ 

    Yeah i get where you are coming from with the Deadra armor. I used it once For a Powerfantasy character when i was 14 in 2011 :D

  • September 30, 2018

    Well, for me this sort of thing depends on the character I have a Bosmer who scavenges and sells everything including parts of her enemies, well the ones she doesn't eat. And she also takes their weapons if they happen to be better than hers. I don't watch weight, just carry the things that are needed. The sizes of clothes are easy to tell, it's enough to look at their previous owner to see if they would fit. Definitely the clothes of a Breton wouldn't fit an Altmer, but those of another Altmer or a big Nord, why not. As for my main, he doesn't scavenge clothes, it wouldn't befit a noblemer such as him. He buys his clothes in shops and orders his boots and other leather stuff from blacksmiths. And he keeps a lot of things in the inventory of his horse, like spare clothes, a bedroll and the books he finds.

    I've never had a character wear a Daedric armor even once. All of my early characters starting with my first and main, were mages. The first non-mage I ever played was a very religious Thalmor who wouldn't even touch anything Daedric. In fact, because of my tendency to play good dudes I've never done some of the Daedric quests, never joined the Dark Brotherhood and never sided with the vampires. I even couldn't bring myself to play the Companions questline until I came up with a fitting character.

  • October 1, 2018

    Sadly, Atrius Valga fell to the draugr wight while exploring Sarthaal.  The two-handed blade cut too deeply, too fast for him to heal.  His noble birthright will never be realized.  He was only level 4.

    I have avoided a few mage playstyles thus far, so I think I will go with one of those styles.  Or perhaps I will blend a couple of them together and see what happens.  Off to plan...

  • October 1, 2018

    Feint said:

     Off to plan...

    That's a big part of the fun isn't it, coming up with a back story, deciding on race is it for the back story or for the racial powers, choosing cantips and how will they play into the overall character, and what kind of playstyle will they have.  Then coming up with a goal and seeing how everything turns out.


  • October 1, 2018

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    That's a big part of the fun isn't it, coming up with a back story, deciding on race is it for the back story or for the racial powers, choosing cantips and how will they play into the overall character, and what kind of playstyle will they have.  Then coming up with a goal and seeing how everything turns out.


    For me it is actually the most taxing part. Especially the backstory and goals and such. That's why I keep reincarnating my years-old characters. Creating a new character from scratch can take me a few days.

  • October 1, 2018

    Justiciar Thorien said:

    For me, it is actually the most taxing part. Especially the backstory and goals and such. That's why I keep reincarnating my years-old characters. Creating a new character from scratch can take me a few days.

    Ever since Skyrim was released (11/11/11), I rarely played mages.  That makes it somewhat exciting when planning out my character's background, motivations, and goals.  The challenge here heightens the enjoyment, as I have to delve into the spell lists and work out the rhyme-and-reason for cantrips, etc.  Of course, I also try to pick things that aren't eventually useless (e.g., healing is good, oakflesh isn't, etc.), so it's a balancing act.

    I think my next character will delve into enchanting and alchemy, though (s)he won't invest a single point into the perk trees.  I think I will also aim for a slower leveling speed, taking my time to develop the character (without wandering across all of Skyrim) and just RPing everything to the fullest.  I've been playing permadeath since shortly after SE was released, so my slow-going approach will also help me to not jump into danger with reckless abandon.  I should be able to hit level 15-20 without any problems, barring the unexpected (e.g., raining mammoths, anyone?).  I just need to love the character before I start investing a lot of time.

  • October 1, 2018

    Zodd and Borgakh have been progressing nicely.  To make a long story short they made it to Riften and are now happily married!!

    After Shroud Hearth Barrow (which they decided not to clear since they already had what they came for) they headed to Treva's Watch where Zodd learned Courage (his second cantrip) as well as Conjure Familiar and Detect Life.  Zodd now has enought spells that he actually has to consider which ones he'll slot each day.  The trip fron Treva's Watch to Riften was pretty uneventful just some wolves and a single bear that they ran from.

    In Riften they had a small wedding, at midnight as is traditional for orcs.  Some of the Orcs from Mor Khazgur actually showed up indluding Bagrak, Borgakh's aunt, but no one else from her family.  The rest of the attendee's were a few of the people Zodd and Borgakh had helped in their journey.  

    Now that i actually achieved my goal for them I'm trying to figure out what to do next.  They need to find their way in the world and carve out a place for themselves.  I feel that Borgahk would have an interest in the thieves guild.  Or they could pursue their own homestead, city life doesn't suit them but maybe a rural home in one of the lesser holds.  The Jarl of Falkreath personnally sent a letter to Zodd so perhaps that's someplace to start.

  • October 1, 2018

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    The Jarl of Falkreath personnally sent a letter to Zodd so perhaps that's someplace to start.

    That has my vote!  :-)

  • October 1, 2018

    I usually just day dream character ideas during my commute  or down time or when I'm waiting in line or something.  Then when I have a spare moment I'll jot a few ideas down or look up something I wasn't sure about.  But I find the process enjoyable and a great way to just pass the time and it's something I can do anywhere and anytime.  At this point I have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of Skyrim so coming up with characters just in my head is pretty easy and fun even if the majority of them will never see playtime.