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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 25, 2018

    My latest build, an Imperial named Valen Larsus, was caught trying to cross the border into Skyrim.  Without all the backstory, he acts as the "Hands of Meridia."  She sent him to Skyrim through a vision of death and destruction, which he took as a sign to visit her shrine.  Of course, having a giant black dragon destroy Helgen could also be tied to his vision.

    Anyway, Valen helped Ralof to escape since he was afraid that the Imperials knew about his worship of Meridia.  He then helped out the Jarl of Whiterun by retrieving the Dragonstone.  After a fairly easy fight, he helped in defeating a dragon that was attacking Whiterun's western watchtower.  Presently, Valen cares nothing for these Graybeards, so he and Lydia headed north.  They are making their way to Meridia's shrine...

    On the way, they encountered some bandits fighting one another outside of some ruins.  After talking to a bandit who kept talking about her insane partner, they began exploring the ruins.  After defeating countless bandits and reading a few journals, they encountered a Wispmother called the Pale Lady.  It took a bit of time, but Valen and Lydia finally defeated her and retrieved a sword called the Pale Blade, which Lydia now carries.

    Their next stop should be Morthal.  Valen, specializing in Restoration, Alteration, and Illusion (inspirational magic only), is almost level 10.  His restoration is almost 50, and his ability to take down undead is pretty amazing.  Of course, that also requires Lydia tanking while he fires of spells.  We shall see what happens next!

  • Member
    September 25, 2018


    Justiciar at it again with the Werewolves :D

  • September 25, 2018

    Vezrabuto said:

    Justiciar at it again with the Werewolves :D

    I suspect they are even scarier on legendary than they are on master. But I'm not so afraid of them anymore, stealth helps.


  • September 25, 2018

    Yeah, I'm sure those trolls would have killed me in on one hit luckily they are slow and have a tendency to jump up and down and yell at you.  Scariest encounter was a wraith in the maze, I remembered skeevers but I forgot about the wraith, nearly crapped myself.

  • September 25, 2018

    Wraiths look ominous even on novice. And that sound they make, brrr. And skeevers... yickes.

  • Member
    September 25, 2018


    Fine. Back in the saddle I go. Death at level 2 awaits me.

    Samdal Ganerey is a son of two temples. His Father was a cultured man of learning, and strictly devoted to Julianos. His mother, a priestess of Dibella, was wiser by far than he. Their shared appreciation for art and classic poetry led eventually to an unusual marriage, and an unusual son raised with a lute in one hand, a staff in the other, and a eyes only for what is over the next rise.

    My boy will start at a border town and travel from place to place by singing for his supper with the Become a Bard mod. As a person more prone to talking his way out of trouble than throwing punches, his cantrips will be Healing and Oakflesh.

    Sam will need to befriend or hire a capable protector before wandering too far, but his first and most important task will be to find an instrument.

  • September 26, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    Sam will need to befriend or hire a capable protector before wandering too far, but his first and most important task will be to find an instrument.

    I do something very similar with many of my characters.  I don't know if you use the mod Hunterborn or not, but in that mod you can quickly kill an animal and convert a large bone into a flute.  That is almost always my first instrument on the road to bard-hood!  :-)


    On a completely unrelated note, I am shelving my current challenge character.  I am starting to notice that many of my characters don't have that epic wizard feel to them.  I am going 180-degrees from where I have been and building a power-hungry wizard to rule them all...

  • September 26, 2018

    @Mercurias:  Keep an eye on the sky traveler, for the mammoths :D

    @Feint:  Moah Powah!!

  • September 26, 2018

    Zodd and Brogakh sold off their loot in Whiterun makeing enough money to fund the next leg in their journey.  They decided to head south toward Riverwood and then loop around the southern face of the Throat of the World to Ivarstead and from there head out over the Rift.  The trip to Riverwood was uneventful, just a few wolves who were easily dispatched by Meeko.  In Riverwood the two orcs decided to help retrieve the Golen Claw.  Bleak Falls was harrowing Zodd came very close to death on several occasions.  The first close call was the giant spider, poison damage almost killed him because I wasn't paying attention to the red bar.  Then there were all the traps that Meeko seemed intent on setting off, got so bad that Zodd told him to sit in a corner and then forgot about the dog until the boss fight and had to trek back through half the barrow to get him.  The draugr weren't to bad thanks to Staff of Repulsion from Shally's Maze.  After that they spent a night in Riverwood and then headed toward Helgen.

    The rumors were true Helgen was a smoldering ruin infested with bandits.  Zodd couldn't be sure that it was a dragon but the two orcs decided not to linger to long.  They headed east and eventually made it to Ivarstead.  The trip saw your normal aggressive wild life but nothing the orcs hadn't seen before.  Currently staying at the inn listening to ghost stories about the nearby barrow.

  • September 26, 2018

    Oh, a spider spit on master is painful. Nalfien avoided it because the spider didn't see him in the dark. And it can also very useful for leveling up illusion, conjuration and sneak. Those flying blades are nasty though.