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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 22, 2018
    Avoid the sun my undead friends and fire it’s more common then I expected.
  • Member
    September 22, 2018


    Ok i got infected in Broken Fang Cave and Transformed into a Vampire. went to do Bleak falls and began to travel at 4 pm so when i arrive its night .... big mistake.

    Got 1 shot by a Flame Atronach just chilling in a Field. 

    R.I.P Scales-Like-Snow. 

    I'll take a Break for now to finish my Main and then i'll try again. 

    Good Luck to my Fellow Wizards. :D

  • September 22, 2018

    I think vampirism adds more problems than benefits. Fire is only one of them. A werewolf on the other hand... those beasts are tough and scary.

    Nalfien survived Helgen, where he singed Stormclosks while Hadvar slashed them with his sword. They quickly killed the wolveson the toad to Riverwood but suddenly a bandit appeared out of nowhere. He looked scary with his greatsword and Nalfien ran from him until Hadvar killed him. He had a nice wolf skin cloak enchanted for resistance to magic. Now Nalfien is wandering around Riverwood. He is level 2, leveled up mostly by sneaking.

  • September 23, 2018

    Arrived to Whiterun. The wolves along the road were somehow... lame. So I switched to Legendary :D

  • Member
    September 23, 2018


    Legndary is scary :D

  • September 23, 2018

    Vezrabuto said:

    Legndary is scary :D

    Maybe. I'm actually afraid of the draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow. But all the other things should be affected by Fury and Fear. Well, all except dragons...


  • September 24, 2018

    Took some time to come up with a new character for this challenge and went outside the box with a Orc healer/support hedgemage (only using spells I find).  His cantrips are oakflesh and courage.  I started him in Mor Khazgur where he's fallen for the chief's daughter Borgakh.  They can't be together due to orc tradition and so they decide to rebel and leave the stronghold to make there own way in the world together.  My plan is to travel across Skyrim to Riften for them to get married, no carriage fast travel.  They left all their worldy belonging and any items of value back at Mor Khazgur only taking the clothes on their backs and a weapon for defense.  They still have some orc honor and would not owe anything to the stronghold, or be accused of looting.  They would survive on their own or at least die free and in each other's arms.

    The first logical step was Solitude where they would try to earn enought to make the next leg of their journey.  On the way they ran into a pair of forsworn their small camp had enough food to satisfy them for a day and a bit of gold.  The next day they ran into a bear, Berzerk Rage saved Zodd's life while Brogakh was able to slay the beast with her bow, the hide should alone should pay for a few days room and board in the city.  

    The pair made it to Solitude and sold the bear hide for enough gold to last them a few days at the inn including food.  They then went in search of work and ran into an argonian, Jaree-Ra.  His propostion sounded like easy money, put out the lighthouse and share the loot, and the two orcs were assured that no harm would come to the sailors.  However they were betrayed and eventually hunted Jaree-Ra down and exacted some very orclike justice.  With the argonian's death the orcs earned enough loot to buy a horse, and a new wariness for "civilized" folk.

  • September 24, 2018

    These two are up to many surprises.

    And Nalfien survived Bleak Falls Barrow. The bandits didn't pose much of a problem, in fact they killed each other under Fury, and the last one was zapped with lightning. The skeevers were kind of scary but Nalfien used Magelight to lure them up the stairs one by one and killed them with flames. The spider died a slow death in fire as well. But then there were draugr... Without any summons or followers and without Restoration, it was tough and slow, one rune after another. The last draugr wasn't very impressive. Level 15. 50 Illusion, 67 Sneak, 32 Destruction.

  • September 25, 2018

    Justiciar Thorien said:

    These two are up to many surprises.

    And Nalfien survived Bleak Falls Barrow. The bandits didn't pose much of a problem, in fact they killed each other under Fury, and the last one was zapped with lightning. The skeevers were kind of scary but Nalfien used Magelight to lure them up the stairs one by one and killed them with flames. The spider died a slow death in fire as well. But then there were draugr... Without any summons or followers and without Restoration, it was tough and slow, one rune after another. The last draugr wasn't very impressive. Level 15. 50 Illusion, 67 Sneak, 32 Destruction.

    Wow level 15 already, that's impressive.


    Zodd and Borgakh left Solitude and headed for Morthal, picked up Meeko on the way and then cut through the marsh, pretty uneventful just a few spiders and crabs.  Some commotion was going on in Morthal but decided to not get involved, still wary from the Jaree-Ra business and they didn't need the work.  The spent the night in Morthal and then headed through Labyrinthian toward Whiterun.  Completed Shally's Maze and earned some useful staves, Heal Other spell, and a very nifty crown.  Scroll of Storm Atro was pivotal in dealing with the daedra.  The frost troll wandering the ruins were troublesome but Zodd was able to pull them one at a time and burn them down.  They then made there way to Halted Stream Camp, it was late when they cleared out the bandits there so they decided to make themselves at home and transmute some iron into gold.  Tomorrow they will head into the city to sell the gold and reuspply for the long trek to Riften.  Currently Level 10.

  • September 25, 2018

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    Wow level 15 already, that's impressive.

    That's solely because of the draugr and the fact that he doesn't use summons. He was level 7 when he entered the barrow, with 50 Illusion from shameless Muffle-spamming, 22 Destruction and 25 Sneak. I'm quite surprised myself. None of my characters ever had so much sneak on level 15.

    Whoa, those trolls in Labyrinthian! I haven't encountered a troll yet but judging by the rest of the critters on legendary, they must be scarier than any draugr deathlord. The bandits are pancies though, they are so funny to look at when they kill each other.

    A werewolf killed Anise while Nalfien was having a nap in her cabin. He was sneaking all the rest of the way to Riverwood. Now he is heading to Whiterun. Still level 15.