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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • Member
    September 26, 2018

    i think i once tried out the Wards because i wanted to use them heavily on my main, I believe to remember a ward can block out the poison spit from Charus and Spiders aswell as Afflicted. They even block the Steam from Dwarven Centurions ^^

  • September 26, 2018

    I've never used a ward in any of my playthroughs. Wards are so slow and take so much magicka. And when a Centurion runs at you, by the Eight, no wards! Only fireballs! Or just turn and run!

  • Member
    September 26, 2018
    I grew used to them and since my main has restoration robes i can keep wards pretty magicka friendly and they saved me countless times. No better feeling than pulling out youre ward on reflex to block something coming at you
  • September 26, 2018

    Hmm, I guess it's a matter of habit. To me the ultimate thing is stealth. All my characters have some points in Sneak no matter what kind of character they are. My main is the embodiment of stealth, he has the Shadow stone, has mastered illusion, most of his things are enchanted to fortify sneak and he also knows some useful potions. And restoration is the school at which he totally sucks. In fact, I've never played a character who was very good at it.

  • September 26, 2018

    The only issue with using wards is when they are broken.  That immediately staggers your character, so depending on what is around you that might be deadly.  It was for my Nord last week.

  • Member
    September 26, 2018

    I was thinking hard about my options to move my new guy forward, and I think I’ll sink most of his perks into Restoration and Alteration. I suck at living, so being a tankmage might see me survive further. Since my last game ended so soon, I’ll still keep my ban on learning Destruction.

    Gonna fire up my stream now, I guess.

    EDIT: Or not. My game exploded. 

  • Member
    September 26, 2018
    Well upgradeing youre ward and recasting after a few hits prevents that most of the time. If something breaks youre strongest ward instanstly then you shouldnt be fighting that :D
  • Member
    September 26, 2018

    Samdal scratched and scrabbled to level 6 by nosing into caves alongside Faendal. His armor spell dropped and he ate two arrows from a pair of draugr, which killed him instantly.

  • September 27, 2018

    Alright this seems like a tonne of fun, been (sorta) following it since it's started and figured it's time to give it a shot :D Running an Orc (Azuk Gro-Bashnag) with the main cantrips being Bound Sword and Lesser Ward to kind of make a magical Sword-and-Board Fighter thing going on.

    Of course I'll be running Legendary with Smilodon because I'm slightly insane. Probably won't work out too well, but fun is the name of the game or something like that :P

  • September 27, 2018

    Welp...that didn't work too well for me, died pretty early on so I'm going to go with something I'm more comfortable with, namely an Illusion focused build, always loved Illusion, though I kinda hate Stealth+Illusion so I'm going to focus primarily on Illusion and Conjuration (maybe...or Destruction). Sorta not fully planned or anything but that's part of the fun for me :P