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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • Member
    September 21, 2018

    The Long-Chapper said:

    Survival Mode sucks for grimoire challenge because you are in treacherously cold Winterhold weather all the damn time. 

    And you're in ROBES with too little WARMTH. GRR!


  • September 21, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    I broke my rules for power. I fell to the dark side. :(

    Yes.  Yes, you did...  However, even I began to consider the Lover's Stone for the free rez gift.


  • September 21, 2018
    I actually killed a hunter for his gloves because for some damn reason THIS is the playthrough where there are NO DAMN gloves!! And if you two are gonna resurrect yourselves, mebbe Arnsi shall resurrect too. I mean she already is but might as well make it official
  • September 21, 2018

    Everyone has certain dark sides. I always use Muffle to level Illusion to 50.

    Well, another one. A reincarnation of my main fellow because I'm curious as to how he would fare in this challenge.

    So, Nalfien. A stealthy Illusion and Destruction adept. No bound weapons and atronachs because Daedra are evil. His cantrips will be Candlelight and Healing. He will go to Winterhold because there are just not enough Thalmor in that city. And there will be dragons.

  • Member
    September 22, 2018

    The Long-Chapper said: I actually killed a hunter for his gloves because for some damn reason THIS is the playthrough where there are NO DAMN gloves!! And if you two are gonna resurrect yourselves, mebbe Arnsi shall resurrect too. I mean she already is but might as well make it official

    Technically it wasn't a rez in the sense I was reloading from saves. It was an Andromeda Standing Stone Power that takes fifteen minutes to rechar-

    Okay yeah no matter how much I dress it up it's basically a guilt-free rez.

    Some of the Summermyst mod enchantments are almost as bad. I found an amulet that I used for a while which summoned a 60hp ghost king to soak up damage.

    The Lady Stone is also pretty overpowered. That guardian it conjures every fight is strong.

    With all the ways EnaiSaison gives to have extra summons around, I wonder how they affect your overall number of minions. With those Necromancer setups that must be insane.











    ...Okay so YES next Grimoire mage is going to focus on Conjuration. I'll emphasize Illusion too for added control, and as punishment for last time (So fun I'm still gonna play that guy) I'll give myself the caveat that there will be ZERO Destruction Spells learned from tomes until all other schools are at 100.

    He shall be an Altmeri Vampire (Vampire Lord not used) named Corenar Elsinus. His cantrips will be Healing and Conjure Familiar. I shall be using Live another Life to begin as a Vampire hidden in a lair.

    Corenar was the second son of a noble lineage, born minutes too late to inherit his family's wealth and marked by his father as soon as he was out of the womb with a brand over his eye, a preventative measure to keep the family from ever mistaking which child was which. While his brother excelled with conjured weaponry and frost magic, Corenar was always more interested in binding his own planar servants and manipulating others, an ambition that kept him occupied and buried in practice and research long after the two had come of age.

    As tensions between the Thalmor and the Empire began to build, Corenar was pressured by his House to join the Thalmor's military force as a Battlemage for prestige and political capital. It was on the march to Hammerfell that he was taken by a vampire. His Altmeri lifespan made him an ideal thrall, one who could provide centuries of feedings if treated well.

    The years spun by in a red, smoky fog, broken only for a few seconds a day when he felt cold breath on his skin, needles in his flesh, and an all too brief euphoria. His thoughts, his memories, even his hard-won knowledge fled. Everything was given away, sacrified to the vampire's kiss. It didn't matter which vampire. He was moved by cart, at times even struggling through agonizing hours of wakefulness while carrying his sleeping masters in a cart to a new lair. Those brief few hours of true wakefulness were the worst, for all that they could have meant freedom. He was tied to his masters by euphoria, and having to face how far he'd fallen was the worst discrace.

    After over thirty years of enthrallment, he welcomed the escape from his thoughts, right up until one of his masters became too fond of him, and in her fervor made him like her. 

    Awake, yet not alive. Corenar has lost much. As he slowly mended the tattered cobweb of his memories in his first few weeks of unlife, two spells come to him, almost unbidden, like a surprise visit from his old friends. While far from in the fullness of his power, as a vampire or a mage, they are enough to allow him to set out on his own.

    With a last look back at the ragtag collection of vagabond undead who had stolen so much from him, Corenar the Vampire made sure to mark the lair in his mind and return to show them his appreciation.

  • Member
    September 22, 2018

    Corenar, newly embraced and ready to explore.

  • Member
    September 22, 2018


    Hey im planning on also becoming a Vampire :D

  • September 22, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    Corenar, newly embraced and ready to explore.

    Nice, a fellow Dominion citizen, even if undead.

    Vezrabuto said:

    Hey im planning on also becoming a Vampire :D

    A tough decision.


  • Member
    September 22, 2018

    And he is dead. Remember the mamoths from the sky? Yeah. 

    Such bullcrap. 

    Know what? He failed the Grimoire test, so that means I'm free to take him on the road without Grimoire test challenged. I'm going to train him in a few points of one-handed and two-handed, add in add in this mod that gives melee fighting styles, and muscle through to level 20 with my diff scaled down to expert. Illusion will be my focus, followed by a smattering of the other schools and I'll add in a few perks for stealth and light armor. I'll make him into a swordsman who uses the Ebony Blade for fighting groups and dual-wields Harkon's Blade and Keening against single enemies. The Akavari stance from the Fighting Styles mod will increase the speed and damage of the enchantments on his weapons, which are really the parts of them that are important, and his Altmer racial attributes from Imperious, plus the vampire speed boost from my vampire mod of choice (Better Vampires) will double that down into heavy duty combat. I'll toss in the Dawnstar vampire magicka ring whose name I can't remember when I want to go caster-crazy and otherwise wear the Ring of the Beast...Both of which will also benefit from the Imperious racial trait for Altmer. 

    So eat it, Sky-Mamoths.

  • September 22, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    And he is dead. Remember the mamoths from the sky? Yeah. 

    Such bullcrap. 

    Know what? He failed the Grimoire test, so that means I'm free to take him on the road without Grimoire test challenged. I'm going to train him in a few points of one-handed and two-handed, add in add in this mod that gives melee fighting styles, and muscle through to level 20 with my diff scaled down to expert. Illusion will be my focus, followed by a smattering of the other schools and I'll add in a few perks for stealth and light armor. I'll make him into a swordsman who uses the Ebony Blade for fighting groups and dual-wields Harkon's Blade and Keening against single enemies. The Akavari stance from the Fighting Styles mod will increase the speed and damage of the enchantments on his weapons, which are really the parts of them that are important, and his Altmer racial attributes from Imperious, plus the vampire speed boost from my vampire mod of choice (Better Vampires) will double that down into heavy duty combat. I'll toss in the Dawnstar vampire magicka ring whose name I can't remember when I want to go caster-crazy and otherwise wear the Ring of the Beast...Both of which will also benefit from the Imperious racial trait for Altmer. 

    So eat it, Sky-Mamoths.

    Damn, you got killed by Sky-Mammoths again?