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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 18, 2018

    So in true Skyrim fashion I got completely sidetracked by other quests and totally abandoned my search for Miraak.  Initially I decided to head back to Winterhold selling loot on the way and storing the stuff I wanted to keep.  When I got back to the college I realized how high my Destruction skill was (82) I was sitting on a pile of skill books as well so after a bout of intense study with Faralda and some reading I was at 94!  Then I remembered a little thing called the Ohgma Infinium.  So I started that quest which took me to Blackreach but I didn't go through Aftland instead I went through Raldbthar since I had already snuk through that dungeion in the quest for aetherium.  So all I had to do was fight two falmer and I was in posessionof a Runed Lexicon and an Elder Scroll.  Then I had to get some mer blood which was way easier than ever before, i got lucky the bandits at Halted Stream included Bosmer, Dunmer, Orsimmer, and there's an Altmer in the pit.  A quick poke in a Falmer cave I was headed back to Winterhold and the Ohgma Infinium was soon mine.  I then went on a rampage on the local hoarkers until my destro skill was level 100!

    Polvar is currently level 33 overlooking the Karth river in possession of his first master level spell and preparing for the journey home where he'll learn kameham....I mean Lightning Storm!

  • September 18, 2018

    @Vargr - Thanks, though Mathor's story has come to an end...

    He went to Orphan Rock with Lydia in tow.  His grimoire consisted of Shock and Healing (cantrips), Lesser Ward, Conjure Familiar, and Conjure Flame Atronach (used only once, as fire magic went against his beliefs toward Kynareth--frost and shock only).  He had not found any illusion or alteration magic yet.  Believe it or not, Orphan Rock was a cake walk.  Using the Apprentice Stone (and Andromeda mod), his novice spells cost no magicka--thus he had unlimited use of lesser ward, healing, shock, and conjure familiar.

    He and Lydia engaged the witches around Orphan Rock and they fell quickly to Lydia's axe and Mathor's spells.  Finally, they proceeded up to the hagraven's nest.  Mathor hid behind a stump and conjured roughly six familiars before Lydia caught up and started firing off arrows.  Once Mathor had both a familiar and Lydia engaging her, he charged in with dual-cast shock (and, thankfully, didn't fall off the tree bridge!).  The hagraven went down fast.

    Now is when Mathor's "Khajiit ancestry" hit!  He noticed some Nord ruins just up from Orphan Rock, so they proceeded to investigate.  And we all know what curiosity did for the cat!  :-)  After a few bandit fights (easy) and a giant frostbite spider (not as easy), they cleared out the ruins.  Mathor was now almost level 10.  Sadly, upon exiting the ruins to the south, they came across a Wispmother.  Mathor and Lydia quickly dispatched the wisps and proceeded to whale upon her.  She promptly divided and, with ice spikes flying, brought Lydia down.  Mathor fired up his lesser ward, but it was to no avail.  The first ice spike that hit broke the ward and stunned him, and then the trio quickly surrounded Mathor and ended his life.

    It was a fight for the ages, though!  And motivated me to roll up another backstory and give the challenge another go!  Now I am off to go and plan...

  • September 19, 2018

    That'st too bad Feint, Mathor seemed to have what it takes, certainly an epic end.  Unlimited Novice casting would be very interesting.

    Polvar has been doing some varied quests in Raven Rock and Tel Mithrin.  After getting the Lightning Storm spell he hopped on a boat back to Raven Rock this time intent on finding this Miraak fellow.  However after sleeping at the inn he woke up at the Sun Stone not far from Tel Mithrin so he investigated the Mushroom tower and got caught up with the Telvanni wizard.  All said he's now a citizen of Raven Rock with his own house, has started excavating Kolbjorn, and is helping Neloth with some research.  However, Neloth just tasked him with investigating the Forswron Briarhearts int he reach but Polvar's not ready to head back to Skyrim just yet.  He's thinking that it's about time to find this Miraak, so far he's learned that he might have something to do with a temple in the center of the island, time to check it out.

    Currently he's level 34 and carrying a 14 spell Grimoire.  Speaking of which do you guys carry a book representing your Grimoire and if so what book is it.  I started carrying a journal titled Research Log not sure where I found it then I switched to Katriah's Journal since it was quest locked and seemed appropriate for the quest I was on.  Currently I'm using the Runed Lexicon since it containes an entire library of dwarven knowledge, and I'm carrying around two Black Book's now which also make fantastic Grimoire.

  • Member
    September 19, 2018




    I try to get Malyn Varens Grimoire if i can or just a plain Journal. ^^ Man i hate this, started playing my Main Character for like a hour and now im already planning a new Grimoire Mage thanks Vargr xD

  • September 19, 2018

    I use the Equipable Tomes mod to allow me to carry around my grimoire.  Between that mod and Frostfall (campfires, sleeping, and the environment), I think I capture the role well.  My next character will be a Dunmer named Benar Selaro.  I'll provide more backstory once he gets a few levels under his belt.  He's still an on-paper concept right now.

  • September 19, 2018
    You guys are making me wanna play my Grimoire tonight. I’ll probably use either the dreamstrider or the Commentaries. But the other book ideas are great too.
  • September 19, 2018

    I also carry around charcoal or a quill and ink, paper rolls, etc.  Sadly, my inventory space is pretty limited with all the "essentials" that I end up stuffing in my bags.  One day I will get a character with a bag of holding (Steed Stone, Andromeda mod) or the similar Alteration spell (Apocalypse mod).  Thankfully, I usually run into traveling merchants fairly often who will buy my useless stuff.

  • Member
    September 19, 2018
    I love little things like that. I had the idea of limiting high lvl spells to items. I already do that on my main for soul cairn summons. Lets say Invisibility consumes vampire dust and a gem something like that
  • September 19, 2018
    I swear it’s gonna be the cold that kills me.
  • Member
    September 20, 2018

    You animals.

    You keep dragging me back in.

    Ketch the Stormrunner is a bit of a rarity. He is a Redguard mage, a manipulator of Nirn’s energies and bender of reality. He lived alone in the desert until a vision from a woman glowing like the sun, the Daedric prince Meridia, beckoned him to the cold lands.

    I learned that The Elemental Blast spells from the Arcane Accessories Creation Club pack were integrated into EnaiSaison’s Ordinator mod and trigger perks from all three Destruction damage types. That much potential insanity needs to be witnessed. I nabbed Alteration as a secondary for the added utility and protection. Straight up reinforced chaos blaster. Should be fun.