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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • October 1, 2018

    Feint said:

    Ever since Skyrim was released (11/11/11), I rarely played mages.  That makes it somewhat exciting when planning out my character's background, motivations, and goals.  The challenge here heightens the enjoyment, as I have to delve into the spell lists and work out the rhyme-and-reason for cantrips, etc.  Of course, I also try to pick things that aren't eventually useless (e.g., healing is good, oakflesh isn't, etc.), so it's a balancing act.

    Yes, it is interesting. I enjoy creating characters too, I just can't do it fast. The thing is, before I even start thinking about their fighting style and skills, I need to come up with a personality, a background, a reason why they are in Skyrim, etc. Only then I start figuring out what skills it would make sense for that character to have. All this takes time. I usually play very slow too. I still have my very first guy around and he still hasn't killed Alduin :D

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    Zodd and Borgakh have been progressing nicely.  To make a long story short they made it to Riften and are now happily married!!

    Congratz! A small home in the quiet forest of Falkreath might indeed suit them.

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    I usually just day dream character ideas during my commute  or down time or when I'm waiting in line or something.  Then when I have a spare moment I'll jot a few ideas down or look up something I wasn't sure about.  But I find the process enjoyable and a great way to just pass the time and it's something I can do anywhere and anytime.  At this point I have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of Skyrim so coming up with characters just in my head is pretty easy and fun even if the majority of them will never see playtime.

    I do that too. Though I can never stop at just thinking of character ideas, I always end up creating a whole story. Some of them might even not be in Skyrim.



  • October 2, 2018

    Alright, so Zodd and Borgakh headed to Falkreath answearing the summons of Jarl Siddgeir.  He apparently heard of their exploits accross Skyrim and the two sounded like the perfect fit for a particular problem he was having with some bandits holed up at Cracked Tusk Keep. 

    While scouting the place the Jarl's interest in the two of them became apparent, the bandits were all orcs, hire orcs to get rid of orcs.  Perhaps the Jarl was worried of some Stonghold's backlash or something and figured he could deflect it if he hired orcs to git rid of the bandits?  Borgakh, Meeko, and the familiar made pretty quick work of the bandits milling about the ruined keep.  The chief was far more difficult, he quickly took out both followers and was turning toward Zodd, thankfully a Scroll of Mass Paralysis was cast just before the chief could strike Zodd (i'm sure one hit would have killed him) after that the chief was pretty easy to kill.  The trip back to Falkreath was uneventful and a few favors later Zodd was named Thane and granted a parcel of land.  They built a cozy little cabin overlooking Lake Ilinalta.  A place where Borgakh can hunt and fish and were Zodd can practice his magecraft and they can live happily ever after.  I think I'm going to retire this character for now, I really don't want them to die.

  • Member
    October 2, 2018
    Nice point to end it^^ i liked those characters^^
  • October 3, 2018

    Nice, this way it feels like a story with a happy end and a possibility of a sequel)

  • Member
    October 3, 2018
    I'll do a last one for now. The Arcane Master. The ultimate Archmage Master of all Magic. I always wanted to do a Build that heavily uses Master spells and high level magic. I just need a character.
  • October 3, 2018

    I grew disappointed with the master spells soon after I first got them, for two reasons. They can only be cast with both hands and they are annoyingly slow. What are you going to do about that?

  • Member
    October 3, 2018
    Combos with a big mana pool. Cast a fury into invisibility into blizzard stuff like that. Might even throw shouts into the mix
  • October 3, 2018

    Become Ethereal works wonders with Master Spells, so if you are using Shouts it makes them a hell of a lot more viable. 

  • October 3, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: Combos with a big mana pool. Cast a fury into invisibility into blizzard stuff like that. Might even throw shouts into the mix

    That's all rather taxing... and still slow. Idk, I usually avoid master spells particularly because of their slowness. If you find a way to use them that isn't boring, it would be cool.

    Dragonborn2021 said:

    Become Ethereal works wonders with Master Spells, so if you are using Shouts it makes them a hell of a lot more viable. 

    Too bad there's no shout that emulates soul trap.


  • Member
    October 3, 2018

    Cloaked in a whirlwind while everyone fights each other while being paralyzed and being clobbered by Wrathmen.