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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • October 5, 2018

    Well, to some extent at least)) My Thalmor fellow certainly wouldn't be able to live after such a revelation, it would require some moral flexibility few lawful good characters possess.

    In fact, I would really enjoy reading the story of your guy as an actual story, I bet it would be interesting.

  • Member
    October 5, 2018


    You Know i might actually write it down. I'll keep you Posted ^^ 

  • Member
    October 6, 2018


    On the Way to the Valtheim Towers Edel was attacked by a wild Fire Atronach, which was quickly dispatched by his Frost Spell. 

    A little further down the Road and edel found himself next to a dirt road leading up to small Stone Structure on a Little Hill. Following this Path led him to a Necromancer who was taken care of by Lightning Spells and a reanimated Wolf Edel battled earlier on the Road. 

    Edel felt a weird connection to this with Carving Inscribed Stone. He slid his Fingers along the Carvings and received another Vision. 

    He Saw Himself holding the Horned Skull Staff and attacking a Woman. 

    Then Everything went Black. As he Woke up he found Himself with his Hand still against the Stone. He pulled his Hand away quickly and went on with his Mission. 

    Later on in the Inn he realized Something. The Map inside his Book has Changed. Now a Big Black Circle surrounded the city of Dawnstar. After Stocking up on supplies the next Day he set out to Dawnstar feeling he wasn't ready to Visit Labyrinthian yet.

  • October 6, 2018

    Cool! His story progresses nicely. Seems like he'll find more shocking revelations very soon.

  • Member
    October 6, 2018

     The Carriage ride was uneventfull but Edel couldnt Stop thinking about those Visions. As He arrived in Dawnstar he noticed a tumult. He kept his distance and listened. They were talking about Nightmares plaguing the Town. The Crowd dispersed and Edel headed inside the Inn where he notices a man in Priest Robes again talking about the Nightmares. 

    Curious Edel approaches the Man who introduces himself as Erandur. 

    He goes on to explain how these Nightmares are a product of some Accident inside the Tower up the Hill. Edel agrees to Clear the tower with the Priest but its already late. Edel pays for a Room to get some sleep before they enter the Tower.

    This Night Edel experienced the Dream about the Child again but this Time it was different. He saw more than in his previous Dream. He saw a Large Rune Inscribed Circle glowing in an ominous Purple and leaking small dark Shadowy tendrils. He could Deciphcer a few of the Runes. "Dreamrealm" "Manni" "Rebirth". He woke up clutching his Book.

  • October 6, 2018

    Damn, at this point I'd be scared shitless if I was this mer. I wonder what his reaction will be when he gets to the tower.

  • Member
    October 8, 2018


    As Edel and Erandur Traversed the corridors of the Tower they stumbled upon a Barrier. Erandur led edel through the Tower until they came upon a Library fighting a few Vaermina Priests and Orcs on the way. .Erandur send Edel to find the book "Dreamstride" and a bottle of Torpor. 

    Edel found them quickly and then drank the Torpor. Living through another persons past he ended up behind the barrier deactivating it. A few Fights later they found the Source of the Nightmares. Edel was Shocked to see the Staff from his Visions there. 

    A Voice told him to Kill Erandur. Feeling like something was dragging on his Sanity, He Blacked out. 

    As he woke up Erandur was dead and He was Holding the Horned Skull Staff.

     The Voice of Vaermina Echoing in his Mind. 

    "Wield My Skull of Corruption Wizard"......

  • Member
    October 8, 2018

    He connected the dots. He killed Erandur. Frightend by his own Mind and actions Edel returned to the Inn. Sitting in his Room on a Chair, He inspected the Staff. As He looked into the Skulls empty Eyesockets a dark Purple flame erupted inside the Skull sending Edel into a Deep Slumber. He found himself In his Recurring dream but this time he was in full Control... a Lucid Dream... He walked arround the room. He noticed his book was in a Leather holster on his Hip. He looked for an Inkwell and Quill and Copied the Runes into the Book. As he finished the last Rune they dissapeared from the page as if the Book swallowed the Ink. 

    Confused he looked arround some more. He Spotted an Amulet with a Green Skull in the Middle of the Rune Circle. He was flung back into Reality as he tried to touch it. Slumped down in his chair the Staff on the Floor with its Skull fixated on Edel he found himself clutching his Book. He flipped through the Pages and was shocked as he found the Runes he wrote down in his Dream.

  • October 8, 2018

    Oh, my. This elf has nerves of steel. Another would crawl into the darkest corner of his room, shaking all over and weeping from the horror. The Thalmor would love to have him in their ranks, if he wasn't the daedra worshipper he apparently is.

  • Member
    October 8, 2018


    The Mystery of his past and the possibility to unravel the cause of those Dreams keep him Sane. He cant afford to give up. 

    I wanted to do one character where the Grimoire plays a bigger Role than just being a Spellbook :D Im enjoying this playthrough so Far :D