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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • October 10, 2018

    Tbh, if I were him, I'd burn that Grimoire the moment when it became clear it's the source of the stuff that is happening to him. And the staff too. Lol. And tell Vaermina to go screw herself.

  • Member
    October 10, 2018
    :D True that. But he is fed up with it. He just wants to get closure on his past so being a deadras servant doesnt seem so bad. And he wont be plagued by Nighmares as long as he helpa Vaermina
  • October 10, 2018

    Heh. Sounds not unlike arguments of a drug addict. "I'll stop taking the drug once I achieve the goal I take it for". That it won't be so easy to let it go afterward is another story. 

    As sad as it is, it's a situation that happens often.

  • Member
    October 10, 2018
    Im exited to try out a dream fueled skull of corruption ^^ i never really used it but always thought it looked cool. I wonder how it will do against some Draugr :D
  • October 10, 2018

    I see. Idk, I could never feel that calm about Daedric artifacts. The only two I use normally are Azura's Star and Oghma Infinium. Because they are sort of neutral. You can do both good and bad things with them. But the ones like the Ebony Blade, Molag Bal's mace, the Skull of Corruption, Mehrunes' Razor, etc., I just don't want to touch those with my (character's) hands, lol. Once I tried to play Boethiah's champion in the Ebony Mail, but being a "selfless bad elf" got boring rather quickly. Also wouldn't mind playing a worshipper of Meridia but haven't quite gotten the concept yet. All these sorts of fellows feel rather alien and I can't keep them for long. I only feel comfortable with the ones who worship Auri-El, Mara, Kynareth, etc.

  • October 10, 2018

    I'm not one to play "evil" characters either.  I also don't play female characters.  However, I put together a backstory and wanted to give it a shot--a good Daedra worshipper.  With that said, here's the "far" backstory! :-)


    The village of Maric, a small agricultural community a day’s travel east from Daggerfall, was your typical, quiet location.  The families were a close-knit group who tended their crops together, played in the Iliac Bay together, and always looked after each another.  One night, in the blink-of-an-eye, that forever changed.

    The sun seemed to set too early as the children began making their way back home after a day of swimming and beach-combing along the shores of the Bay.  Colette, the mother of one of the children, hurried them along.  “Hurry up!  We are running late, and you all need to eat and get ready to bed,” she told everyone.

    They moved quickly down the frequently traveled path, motivated by Colette’s words and the thought of a warm supper.  They traversed the winding path through the hills like expert navigators until they noticed a soft glow coming from the direction of the village.  Evening bonfires were not uncommon, but they were still too far away to notice one of those.  Something was very wrong.

    Colette told the children to run, letting them all pass her so that she could follow behind and ensure they all were safe.  Within a couple of minutes, they knew the source of the glow—a fire in the fields.  They continued their pace as best they could, though the younger children began slowing them down.  Colette had the older children continue on while she stayed with the little ones. 

    The older children ran on ahead while they rested.  She made sure that all the little ones were with her.  She then reached down and picked up her 9-year old daughter, Valarie.  “Everything is going to be ok,” she reassured her.

    She and the younger children continued walking toward Maric.  When her group finally drew near to the village, Colette heard what sounded like muffled screams.  She quickly told the children to stop.  Colette began looking all around the village and noticed movement.  Strangers had circled around the older children, preventing them from escaping.  Suddenly, one of the strangers appeared to grab a child and kiss his neck.  Instantly, Colette realized what was happening and shouted, “Run!”

    The vampires heard Colette’s shout over the screams of the children and the crackling of the blazing field.  One of the vampires turned and smiled, saying, “How delightful!  More food has arrived.”  Some of the vampires turned toward Colette and began moving toward her and the little ones.

    The younger children, frightened and confused, simply stood by Colette and cried.  “Valarie, run back to the beach.  Go now,” she said calmly, setting her down and giving her a gentle push.  “It’s ok.  Just do as I say.”

    Valarie began running back down the path, away from her mom and home.  She didn’t get very far before she turned around and watched as the vampires descended upon Colette and the young children.  “Mama!” cried Valarie, but it was too late.  Tears began streaming down Valarie’s face.

    One of the vampires noticed the little girl standing off in the distance, looking at them and crying.  “Come here, little girl,” he said while licking the blood off his lips.  He began walking toward her, pleased that she did not turn and run.  As he approached her, he reached out his hands to restrain her so that he could feed.

    As soon as the vampire’s hands touched Valarie, a brilliant light erupted all around her.  The vampire turned to dust immediately, and the light exploded outward in a sphere centered around Valarie.  As the wave passed through the village, every vampire it touched screamed and turned into ash.  Almost instantly, every vampire that had attacked Maric died.

    “Fear not, my daughter,” whispered a strange voice.  Valarie looked around but saw nothing.  “Dry your eyes and worry not.  I will protect you and teach you.”

    “But,” mumbled Valarie, “who are you?”

    “Oh, my sweet child.  I am your new mother, Meridia,” laughed the voice.



    Valarie:  Young female Breton

    She wanders the lands of Skyrim now, praying at Meridia’s temple, providing healing to all who need it, and slaying vampires, necromancers, and all that walk in the dark.  She continues to discover and grow in her magical skills, though she is skeptical toward everyone at first (more backstory on that later).

  • October 10, 2018

    Cool! One should sometimes venture beyond one's zone of comfort)) And Meridia, that's interesting.

  • Member
    October 10, 2018

    Neato. I tend to play fairly “light gray” characters by default, those who are more or less good, but who have significant flaws.

    Now and again, though, I’ll run through the game as a complete monster just so I can explore those aspects of the Elder Scrolls.

    I think I’m gong to retire from the whole Grimoire thing. I’m not a good enough player to survive on Master.

  • October 10, 2018

    Wow Edel story has been very interesting thus far.  I have my theories about his background but I look forward to seeing their revelation in game.

    I've been playing Bloodborne lately, sort of a October tradition for me, and finally got the DLC which I'm very close to completeing so naturally my mind has been wandering back to Skyrim.  In order to keep to my spooky theme I've been thinking of a Grimoire Necromancer, a High Elf with Vampiric Drain and Equilibrium as cantrips. Haven't decided on a goal or a background yet, just aiming for a dark blood mage/puppetmaster kind of character. 

    Of course it might be a few days before this guy sees life, i hear the final boss of the Old Hunters DLC is pretty tough guess I'll know soon enough.

  • Member
    October 10, 2018


    Oh yes The last boss of the DLC is a Nightmare. 

    I cant really play something like a Paladin who is 100% a good guy, but i also never played an Evil dude. i Tend to stay Neutral evil or Neutral good just arround the Middle ground ^^