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  • Member
    October 21, 2016

    Good stuff, definitely no coincidence I would say. I am not familiar enough with the planes - been a long old time since I read a Planescape book. Could you explain each realm so that we can match a Prince to each?

  • Member
    October 21, 2016
    Hey guys. Anyone know anything on Phynaster beyond how he taught Altmer to live longer? Making an RP character using my random system, I got an Altmeri paladin of Phynaster, so I'd like to know all there is to know about the god.
  • Tom
    October 21, 2016

    Here's a link that quotes the 3rd Edition Manual of Planes.

    • Mount Celestia (LG)
    • Bytopia (LG/NG)
    • Elysium (NG)
    • Beastlands (NG/CG)
    • Arborea (CG)
    • Ysgard (CG/CN)
    • Limbo (CN)
    • Pandemonium (CN/CE)
    • Abyss (CE)
    • Carceri (CE/NE)
    • Gray Waste (NE)
    • Gehenna (LE/NE)
    • Baator (LE)
    • Archeron (LN/LE)
    • Mechanus (LN)
    • Arcadia (LG/LN)

    I recall immediately placing Jyggalag at Lawful Neutral and Sheogorath at Chaotic Neutral, Mechanus and Limbo respectively.

    Mechanus is where perfectly regimented order reigns supreme. It consists of equal measures of light and dark, and equal proportions of heat and cold. It is as predictable as the drip of a water clock and as obvious as a tree in a field. On Mechanus all law is reflected in a single infinite realm of clockwork gears, all interlocked, all turning according to their own measure. The cogs seem to be
    engaged in a calculation so vast that no deity knows its purpose, except that it is somehow a function of law. At first glance Mechanus seems as straightforward as anything on the Outer Planes. However, subtleties lurk just below the surface. Every kind of law can be found in the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, from simple maxims to devilishly twisted rules of decorum. But for the most part, Mechanus contains no passion, illusion, or pain. When all consciousness is completely subsumed into the whole, perfection follows.

    Limbo is a plane of pure chaos. Untended sections appear as a roiling soup of the four basic elements and all their combinations. Balls of fire, pockets of air, chunks of earth, and waves of water battle for ascendance until they in turn are overcome by yet another chaotic surge. However, landscapes similar to ones found on the Material Plane drift through the miasma: bits of forest, meadow, ruined castles, and small islands. Limbo is inhabited by living natives. Most prominent of these are the githzerai and the slaadi. In Limbo, most petitioners take the form of unthinking, ghostly spheres of swirling chaos. Limbo has no layers. Or if it does, the layers continually merge and part, each is as chaotic as the next, and even the wisest sages would be hard-pressed to
    distinguish one from another.


    I've also endeavored to try and reduce the Daedric Princes down to their most basic concept, thinking it might help me place them and for my own purposes in world building.

    • Azura - Change
    • Boethiah - Freedom
    • Clavicus Vile - Pacts
    • Hermaeus Mora - Secrets
    • Hircine - Predation
    • Jyggalag - Logic
    • Malacath - Outsider
    • Mehrunes Dagon - Destruction
    • Mephala - Manipulation
    • Meridia - Energy
    • Molag Bal - Domination
    • Namira - Revulsion
    • Nocturnal - Mystery
    • Peryite - Order
    • Sanguine - Pleasure
    • Sheogorath - Dementia
    • Vaermina - Despair


    And the Aedra for good measure

    • Akatosh - Time
    • Arkay - Cycles
    • Dibella - Arts
    • Julianos - Wisdom
    • Kynareth - Nature
    • Mara - Community
    • Stendar - Law
    • Talos - War
    • Zenithar - Crafts
  • Tom
    October 21, 2016

    Dicking around with numerology on Wikipedia, 26 (17 Daedra and 9 Aedra) is the gematric number for Yahweh and the Greek Strongs number G26 is "Agape", which means "Love". The last bit in particular can't be a freaking coincidence.

  • Member
    October 27, 2016

    Hi, I've got  a question that relates to my lore-friendly Skyrim SE playthrough I'm hoping to do - 

    Would it make sense lore-wise for a mage to be the Champion of Molag Bal and Hermaeus Mora at the same time? 

  • Member
    October 27, 2016

    Will said:

    Hi, I've got  a question that relates to my lore-friendly Skyrim SE playthrough I'm hoping to do - 

    Would it make sense lore-wise for a mage to be the Champion of Molag Bal and Hermaeus Mora at the same time? 

    Don't sweat it, Will. Think about why you think it wouldn't make sense and we can treat the root of your doubt. The PC in TES V is a Hero -  a mover and a shaker, Doom Driven I hear. Every Principality and Aedric liar wants a piece of that pie. As far as lunar currency goes the Dovahkiin is a diamond of the highest carat.

  • Member
    October 27, 2016

    Tenebrous said: Hey guys. Anyone know anything on Phynaster beyond how he taught Altmer to live longer? Making an RP character using my random system, I got an Altmeri paladin of Phynaster, so I'd like to know all there is to know about the god.

    Ian, sorry man! Leaving you hanging for days. Anything changed?

    We have a discussion on Phynaster here if it helps...?

  • Member
    October 27, 2016
    Ah! I'll look at it soon. Thanks, Phil!
  • Member
    October 27, 2016

    Anyone know of any famous serial killers or conquerers, aside from that one Kamal warlord and Tiber Septim?

  • Member
    October 27, 2016

    Chris said:

    Anyone know of any famous serial killers or conquerers, aside from that one Kamal warlord and Tiber Septim?

    Serial Killers:

    Mjahlar Virian.

    Minas Torik


    Although they are assassins and may not be what you're after...?

    As for conquerors I have a mind blank. Reman, Varen Aquilarios, Durcorach the Black Drake.

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