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  • November 13, 2016

    Veloth the Ashkaari said:

    If vampires do have a soul then it must be different from a normal human one. When you go to the Soul Cairn in Dawnguard you need to be soul trapped otherwise it will eat your soul but if you are a vampire you don't have that problem. Maybe if you are a vampire Bal has such a strong claim in your soul even the Cairn can't take it.

    Thought about that too actually. Might be the undead thing? Or that maybe Bal already has vampire´s soul? Or is the soul tainted in some way? I wonder how that becoming mortal again figures in this. In both Oblivion and Skyrim it can be done with the help of Soul Gems. 

  • Member
    November 13, 2016

    Karver the Afflicted said:

    First is that you basicaly stuff a lesser daedric spirit into the body. Second is resurrecting recently deceased, which traps some of the soul residue inside. Resurrecting body with whole soul takes enormous amount of power. So resurrection doesn´t need a Soul Gem, though it certainly sounds like interesting thing. 

    Okay, this explains everything, so the soul is either replaced by a lesser daedric or the remaining soul is 're-used'. Got it.


    Karver the Afflicted said:

    Very recently I asked Phil for what else could Souls be used beside Enchanting. Could you use them to restore your magicka? Or maybe stuff them into a body and raise it? 

    I found the thought pretty cool of soul-trapping a dying follower and then putting them back into a stronger body through a soul gem.


    Karver the Afflicted said:

    Second: Sending souls to Sithis is propaganda, just fanatical believe. Sithis isn´t exactly a sentient being or such. And especially killing in someone´s name doesn´t mean they´ll get the souls. Take Soul Cairn for example. The souls there were trapped into Black Soul Gems and then sacrificed to Ideal Masters in exchange for...power? Necromancy?. Big emphasis on "sacrificed", as well as Mannimarco was sacrificing hundreds of Souls through Black Soul Gems to Molag Bal during Planemeld. 

    Ah,yes, souls need to be sacrificed to the Ideal Masters to get to the Soul Cairn, that's the point I missed.

    But Sithis is referred to as a deity or am I mistaken? I thought about this because my current character is a DB assassin and she has a bow enchanted with soul trap called 'Void Maker' and I don't want to piss off Sithis because he doesn't get the souls he demanded :P


    Karver the Afflicted said:

    Third: Tricky one. I think they do, but it is similar to how it works with werewolves. Lycanthropy is a disease coming from Hircine and when you die, your soul goes to Hunting Grounds. When you die as a vampire you go to Coldharbour - which implies that there has to be something to go there, right? 

    This makes sense. I reckon then that they have a soul.


    Veloth the Ashkaari said:

    If vampires do have a soul then it must be different from a normal human one. When you go to the Soul Cairn in Dawnguard you need to be soul trapped otherwise it will eat your soul but if you are a vampire you don't have that problem. Maybe if you are a vampire Bal has such a strong claim in your soul even the Cairn can't take it.

    Vampires are undead so their soul must be indeed different from a living human soul. This is a good explanation.


    Edit: Ooops I repeated what Karver said about undead souls





  • November 13, 2016
    Notice that Sithis is refered to as deity only by Dark Brotherhood. You have to understand that Sithis isn't that, just like Anui'El he's...a primordial force. I guess. You don't exactly see people worshipping Anui'El, right? Only his...subgradient Auri'El. Now comes a mind-fuck. Dark Mother is most likely Mephala and the role of Sithis in DB's faith might be Vivec. :)
  • Member
    November 13, 2016

    Karver the Afflicted said:

    Notice that Sithis is refered to as deity only by Dark Brotherhood. You have to understand that Sithis isn't that, just like Anui'El he's...a primordial force. I guess. You don't exactly see people worshipping Anui'El, right? Only his...subgradient Auri'El. Now comes a mind-fuck. Dark Mother is most likely Mephala and the role of Sithis in DB's faith might be Vivec. :)

    Oh, now I see. It's a bit confusing because how the DB refer to him, but it kinda makes sense for the DB to worship a 'thought' of ultimate evil. Thanks for explaining it.

  • Member
    November 13, 2016
    OK guys. Does anyone know of instances of polymorphing in ES? I only know a few examples: The Wabbajack, The witches from Daggerfall (there's a quest where they curse some noble into a monster form), An unfinished spell in Skyrim that turns you into a Skeever, The one quest in ESO where Molla and co. became Skeevers. I've always been pretty fascinated by this, so any more examples are welcome. Thanks!
  • November 14, 2016

    Does the College quest where the Telvanni girl turns you into different things like cows and chickens count?

  • November 14, 2016

    Polymorphing in TES is a strange thing. There are few instances of it, but always only in the game, not in any lorebooks I can remember. There was a polymorph spell in Daggerfall, but that is all I remember.


  • Member
    November 14, 2016

    @Veloth It does! I'd forgotten about that, thanks.

    @Karver Yeah, it seems there's very little info on changing forms, despite it being known to exist. Which is actually another reason I find it so intriguing. Lack of information means more speculation!

  • November 14, 2016
    @Tenebrous Yeah, I agree. I'm kind of vary of these types of spells, because changing a physical shape, even if just temporarily, is immensely complicated thing. Think about Alteration Spells. Waterbreathing for example. Do you create gills so you could breath under water? Waterwalking. Do you make water solid? Shield spells. Do you turn your skin into stone? I believe you don't, you're just bypassing the rules. So polymorph seems like very complicated spell to me.
  • November 14, 2016

    According to the book Breathing Water, Alteration spells in general are super complicated and hard.

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