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  • Member
    October 28, 2016
    Thanks Phil
  • Member
    October 29, 2016

    Is there a lore explanation for permanent stat increases upon leveling up? Ie, if a player puts points into magicka, is his mage drawing in ambient magicka? Unlocking an inner reserve of magicka?

  • October 29, 2016

    "Everyone has the potential to run, but very few can be professional athletes." 

    But the truth is that if you work hard, you can improve. Same goes for the Magicka in TES. Everyone in TES and I mean really everyone, has the ability or potential to cast magic. Some are better at it, some aren´t, so think about it like a...Magicka Pool. Some have bigger pool, some smaller. But if you devote your time to practicing spells, just as you practice running and everyday you find you can run further without running out of your breath, the same way it works for magicka. 

  • Member
    October 29, 2016

    Karver said:

    "Everyone has the potential to run, but very few can be professional athletes." 

    But the truth is that if you work hard, you can improve. Same goes for the Magicka in TES. Everyone in TES and I mean really everyone, has the ability or potential to cast magic. Some are better at it, some aren´t, so think about it like a...Magicka Pool. Some have bigger pool, some smaller. But if you devote your time to practicing spells, just as you practice running and everyday you find you can run further without running out of your breath, the same way it works for magicka. 


    Is the size of one's pool genetic (or otherwise outside their control), and all they can do is learn how to use it more efficiently? Or is pool size like the starting skill boosts, where some races can get a skill to 100 sooner, but any race can reach 100 given enough time?

  • Member
    October 29, 2016

    mitch blatt said: 

    Is the size of one's pool genetic (or otherwise outside their control), and all they can do is learn how to use it more efficiently? Or is pool size like the starting skill boosts, where some races can get a skill to 100 sooner, but any race can reach 100 given enough time?

    Since being born under certain constellations can result in a person having more magicka (and even stunted magicka regen in the case of the atronach) and altmer start off with more magicka then the rest of the races, I'd say that there would be those who will always have a slightly larger pool of magicka then others who have invested the same amount of time into practicing magic.


  • October 29, 2016

    To certain degree, the size is genetic, but the more you practice, the more magicka you can have. In theory. I said itaround here few times, but I´ll repeat that. 

    There are 3 kinds of people in Tamriel.

    First: Those with low magicka pool/talent, call it what you want. These people can cast spells in near-death situations for example (like Racial Abilities if you want), or when they devote their time they might be able to cast few Adept level spells from one or two Schools, or if you want they are able to increase their Magicka pool to certain degree. This is the most prominent group in Tamriel.

    Second: Mages, those who have talent and aptitude for Magic. These are able to master one or two Schools and know little bit something about all others. Like they can cast Master Spells in Destruction and Restoration, and maybe Adept spells in Alteration, Conjuration, Mysticism and Illusion.

    Third: Heroes, those who have reached creatia, aka the truth that there is only a magic. Think about the greatest wizards of TES like Zurin Arctus, Divayth Fyr, Rynandor the Bold, those are mages who are not limited by Schools or spells. There is only magic for them. 

    So, you can think about Dovahkiin as Hero category. He can learn a spell in one day. Second category might learn a spell in weeks, and first category might learn one spell in months, maybe years. 

    Of course, there are races who have more affinity for magic than others. Bretons and Altmer, and Dunmer too. But not all of them become mages. That´s a thing too. They can, but they don´t. 

  • October 29, 2016

    The races talent with magic is generally cultural rather than genetic I think. I Altmer aren't inherently better with Magic than say a Nord because they are born that way, they are generally better because magic is ingrained in their culture so that it's taught at all levels. When Morrowind was originally in development the idea was that the race you picked didn't affect the stats in any way but you also got to pick a culture and that determined it.

  • October 29, 2016

    Veloth the Qahnaarin said:

    The races talent with magic is generally cultural rather than genetic I think. I Altmer aren't inherently better with Magic than say a Nord because they are born that way, they are generally better because magic is ingrained in their culture so that it's taught at all levels. When Morrowind was originally in development the idea was that the race you picked didn't affect the stats in any way but you also got to pick a culture and that determined it.

    Oh, yeah. I remember MK mentioning something like that in one of the forums. That the magic isn´t racial but cultural. Like...Altmer use magic everywhere, it is part of their culture, while Nords and Redguards don´t rely on it at all. 


  • October 29, 2016

    Karver said:

    Veloth the Qahnaarin said:

    The races talent with magic is generally cultural rather than genetic I think. I Altmer aren't inherently better with Magic than say a Nord because they are born that way, they are generally better because magic is ingrained in their culture so that it's taught at all levels. When Morrowind was originally in development the idea was that the race you picked didn't affect the stats in any way but you also got to pick a culture and that determined it.

    Oh, yeah. I remember MK mentioning something like that in one of the forums. That the magic isn´t racial but cultural. Like...Altmer use magic everywhere, it is part of their culture, while Nords and Redguards don´t rely on it at all. 


    Yeah, it would have been interesting if they stuck with that actual mechanic. That way any race could be an Imperial just like it's meant to be or you could play a Nord raised Imperial and RP a Colovian.

  • October 30, 2016

    Does anybody know of any connections between Kyn\Kynareth and Azura\Azurah? It can be as concrete or as wishy-washy as you want and I don't just mean connections between the two deities but also their spheres and in the abstract.  

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