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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 5, 2018

    Sadly, Arenthil, my Altmer mage (Level 12) has passed into Aetherius...

    He and Lydia were returning to High Hrothgar from Ustengrav with the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller when he encountered three hostile Thalmor agents. Why they were immediately hostile, he will never know. From the "Tale of Arenthil," he passes along some invaluable wisdom.

    • Firstly, dragon encounters* are a serious challenge and a load of fun. Stamina and cover are your friend, along with healing potions, summons, companions, and bystanders (especially enemies).
    • Secondly, for those using the power of "Imperious," having contingency set to fire off a flesh spell as combat starts is amazing.
    • Thirdly, for those using the power of "Ordinator," getting Descending Light (Rest 20 perk) will make things easier at the start of a fight.
    • Fourthly, remember that ice wolves and sabre cats won't pester you if you retrieve "Voice of the Sky."
    • Fifthly, enemies using ranged AOE spells are the worst.  The unexpected fireball that killed Arenthil is proof of that.
    • Lastly, the Greybeards will wait for you to build a campfire and sleep six hours (to slot Whirlwind Sprint) before Master Borri opens the gate! :-)

    *Arenthil's fight with his first dragon encounter after Mirmulnir was simply awesome! The dragon came swooping down out of the sky without me knowing as Lydia and I neared Fort Dunstad. Suddenly, Contingency fired off Stoneflesh and Lydia exclaimed, "Where did you come from?" Then this white dragon lands right in front of us with a heavy, booming shockwave. I ran for the trees while readying my summon spell as Lydia charged. Long story short, the dragon was defeated by 1000 papercuts from Lydia, myself, summons, wolves around the area, and the bandits at Fort Dunstad. It was an epic fight that seemed to last 10 minutes.

    Off to ponder my next build!

  • September 5, 2018

    One question for everyone--is carriage use allowed?  Arenthil walked everywhere, though I was wondering if we could travel Skyrim on the back of carriages if and when possible.

  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    I use them but only for really tedious stuff like going from winterhold tp marnath and back and then ba k to markarth shit like that. I havent played with dragons yet but i'll unlock them at lvl 10 or so but youre experiece sounds awesome
  • September 5, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: I use them but only for really tedious stuff like going from winterhold tp marnath and back and then ba k to markarth shit like that. I havent played with dragons yet but i'll unlock them at lvl 10 or so but youre experiece sounds awesome

    On my usual playthroughs (not this one) I not only don't fast travel but also don't run. Also I stop every 3-4 hours to eat and drink, and don't travel at night. With all this, the travel from Winterhold to Markarth takes around a month. Three weeks if I have a horse. Tedious stuff, huh?))))

  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    I also dont run and take stops at abandoned shacks and what not^^ but if its going back to the same place twice i'll use a carriadge. Or if its urgent like bringing magus staff to the college or getting from solitude to the brotherhood after the betrayal
  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    I would love it if TES6 had a hair growth mechanic that would be great :D
  • September 5, 2018

    I like doing things like they would be done IRL. Can you imagine how long it would take for one person to travel from Winterhold to Labyrinthian through all of those spiders and wolves and bandits, then take care of all those trolls (those trolls are scary, I once met them on level 1 when my character was not a mage and had no sneak trained), then defeat all the undead including the dragon, more trolls, a Whispmother with her little family AND Morokei, then limp back to the surface, face a Thalmor who hadn't spent a few days fighting trolls, and then return to Winterhold through all those spiders, bears, sabre cats and bandits?

  • September 5, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: I would love it if TES6 had a hair growth mechanic that would be great :D

    So that you'd have a knee-long beard?XD


  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    Of course xD
  • September 5, 2018

    I prefer to think that Altmer had come up with some potion that makes your hair grow 100 times slower or something like that)