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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    Yeah i do exhaustion by no stamina usage no spells on youre level exept novice. So when youre adept in destructio you can only use firebolt and runes and such until you have rested.
  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    Jodah Void-Caller will try to get the diadem of the savant early now. Hope those trolls are friendly :D
  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    I actually go the face former to change my hair from time to time ^^
  • September 5, 2018

    @Feint:   Dragons sound epic I might just have to unlock them.

    Well Polvar is now officially Archmage of the college.  The final confrontation with Ancano was less than epic.  My Storm Atronach destroyed him!  Whole battle lasted about half a second, as soon I start hitting the eye with the Staff of Magus I see Ancano go flying across the room, bounce off a pillar, and land by the door, very dead.  Then Tolfdir jumps up and helps the atro kill the anomalies which were much more resilient than Ancano.

    I liked Thorien's suggestion of investigating the Aetherium Forge I feel it fit in well with Polvars love of magic artifacts.  He is also helping Arniel which meant heading back to Mzulft since I remembered there were a couble dwemer convectors there.  I picked up the Necro Amulet on my way through Windhelm.  There were two convector thingys in Mzulft, need to find one more, perhaps Arkingthamz will have one?  Either way it's clear on the other side of Skyrim and I'm sure there will be plenty of adventures on the way.  

    Currently staying the night at Darkwater Crossing, in the moring I'll investigate the falls and see if I can find this Derkeethus fellow who went missing...what's the worst that could happen.


  • September 5, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: I actually go the face former to change my hair from time to time ^^

    I do that too. And I change clothes quite often too.

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    I liked Thorien's suggestion of investigating the Aetherium Forge I feel it fit in well with Polvars love of magic artifacts.  He is also helping Arniel which meant heading back to Mzulft since I remembered there were a couble dwemer convectors there.  I picked up the Necro Amulet on my way through Windhelm.  There were two convector thingys in Mzulft, need to find one more, perhaps Arkingthamz will have one?  Either way it's clear on the other side of Skyrim and I'm sure there will be plenty of adventures on the way.  

    Currently staying the night at Darkwater Crossing, in the moring I'll investigate the falls and see if I can find this Derkeethus fellow who went missing...what's the worst that could happen.


    Oh yes, a lot of adventure)))

  • September 5, 2018

    Feint said:

    Arenthil's fight with his first dragon encounter after Mirmulnir was simply awesome! The dragon came swooping down out of the sky without me knowing as Lydia and I neared Fort Dunstad. Suddenly, Contingency fired off Stoneflesh and Lydia exclaimed, "Where did you come from?" Then this white dragon lands right in front of us with a heavy, booming shockwave. I ran for the trees while readying my summon spell as Lydia charged. Long story short, the dragon was defeated by 1000 papercuts from Lydia, myself, summons, wolves around the area, and the bandits at Fort Dunstad. It was an epic fight that seemed to last 10 minutes.

    Oh, this sounds so cool and epic, I have to unlock these flying death machines ASAP! :D

    Vezrabuto said: I actually go the face former to change my hair from time to time ^^

    I do that, too, on occasion. Sometimes I also give my characters things like new scars, if it fits their story and the events of the game. ^^


    To update my mage's story:

    Edhelas (after returning to Halldir's Cairn and fetching Jenassa, whom he accidentally left behind) finally found the Mage Stone, and took a carriage to Winterhold after reaching Whiterun again. Arriving at the College late at night, he ran into Brelyna and agreed to help her again, and she then proceeded to transform him into a cow, a horse and a dog. They agreed to never speak of it again.

    The next morning, Edhelas returned the book and the staff to their respective owners, and made Onmund very happy by giving him back his amulet. He also spoke with Tolfdir about the Eye of Magnus but they were rudely interrupted by Ancano, who took Edhelas to speak with a member of the Psijic Order. Quaranir told him to go and speak with the Augur of Dunlain and, intrigued by the mystery, that was exactly what Edhelas did. He was tasked with finding the Staff of Magnus, and because it means delving into an age-old Dwemer ruin of Mzulft, he's more than excited to get going!

    Edhelas is still alive and kicking, which is a surprise to me personally. Didn't think I'd last this long with a pure mage :D This is the thing I particularly love about this challenge: I've tried running a mage character an insane number of times in the past but have always ended up with a bow-wielding sneak-thief or a sword-and-shield warrior because that's easier for me, but this challenge has made it interesting enough for me to stick with my spells! The restrictions and rules make it fun and force me to think and plan ahead, which is something I don't often do. It breathes a whole new life into the game! :D

  • September 5, 2018

    Wolves almost kill Kitty with two bites. A dragon would likely eat him whole in one bite... I think he'll do better without.

    Mhysa Ren said:

    Edhelas is still alive and kicking, which is a surprise to me personally. Didn't think I'd last this long with a pure mage :D This is the thing I particularly love about this challenge: I've tried running a mage character an insane number of times in the past but have always ended up with a bow-wielding sneak-thief or a sword-and-shield warrior because that's easier for me, but this challenge has made it interesting enough for me to stick with my spells! The restrictions and rules make it fun and force me to think and plan ahead, which is something I don't often do. It breathes a whole new life into the game! :D

    For me it's the exact opposite. I never feel wholly comfortable playing a character that is not a mage. All those guys in heavy armor and with battleaxes seem so limited. My first character is a pure mage (and he is still around), and I have played many various mages ever since, much more than I've played thieves and warriors.


  • Member
    September 5, 2018
    Im the same. I almost exclusively play mages. I just love the flexibility and feel of magic.
  • September 5, 2018

    Vezrabuto said: Im the same. I almost exclusively play mages. I just love the flexibility and feel of magic.

    Magic is the true power, it's a fact.

    I sort of have a difficulty playing non-elven characters, so I saw this challenge as an opportunity to try unfamiliar races.


  • September 5, 2018

    I suppose for me the problem with mages was how squishy they are in the beginning of the game and, because I'm lazy, I'll rather wear armour and sneak attack with bows or pick up a sword and a shield than plan my tactics or spend time and money collecting/buying spells to make them stronger. Now, though, I've noticed that I was very wrong with my assumption of mages being weak and boring to play... :D I love my mage, and even if/when he dies, I'll definitely be keeping him around.