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Discussion: The Grimoire Challenge

  • September 5, 2018

    The coolest thing in Skyrim is that you can combine anything and create any build that comes to mind. If they take this away in TES6, I'll cry an ocean.

  • September 5, 2018

    Serana and Kitty made their way to Dawnstar without incident, a wolf and two spiders don't count. They took a boat to the Volkihar castle. Kitty refused to become a vamp and was banished to a place full of insanely powerful mudcrabs and horkers. He witnessed a group of Imperial soldiers being slaughtered by those horkers. Then he continued his way along the shore, trying to find a road and snneaking away from horkers and wolves. Finally he found s road, silently made his way past a creepy looking cave. Near the road there was a ruined tower. It looked empty. When Kitty saw how wrong he was it was already too late. A snow sabre cat killed him in a single bite. He was level 12.

  • September 5, 2018

    Justiciar Thorien said:

    The coolest thing in Skyrim is that you can combine anything and create any build that comes to mind. If they take this away in TES6, I'll cry an ocean.

    Indeed, it's quite incredible how versatile the game is in that regard. I doubt they'll be removing it - I believe the ability to play whatever character you like is a huge reason why Skyrim is still as popular as it is. ^^ Hopefully they'll find a way to expand upon it!

    As for Edhelas, unfortunately his saga came to an early end in the Frostmere Depths, at level 7. Quite frankly, I was on the hunt for the third word of Ice Form and forgot the Pale Lady was down there, and Edhelas got his body impaled with several ice spikes before he could even summon his trusty Flame Atronach. Oh, well. His story might be over as far as the Grimoire Challenge is concerned, but I will continue playing with him because I like him so much. :D I may even come up with a proper backstory and better fleshed out personality now, come to think of it.

    I think I'll try this challenge again, although I'm still unsure of what kind of character I'll create next. Third time's the charm, eh? ^^

  • September 5, 2018

    Mhysa Ren said:

    Indeed, it's quite incredible how versatile the game is in that regard. I doubt they'll be removing it - I believe the ability to play whatever character you like is a huge reason why Skyrim is still as popular as it is. ^^ Hopefully they'll find a way to expand upon it!

    I hear a lot of people wanting classes back, which I can't understand because it would take half the fun from character creation. 

    I haven't thought much about my next character either. Maybe a Bosmer?..

  • Member
    September 5, 2018

    Feint said:

    Golden Fool,

    Here's what I did to reverse the Skyrim SE update (1.5.50) so I could continue to use my modded Skyrim SE with SKSE64:

    How to get the old 1.5.39 .exe (for SKSE64):

    1.  Press win+R

    2.  Paste: steam://nav/console in the console to call up steam

    3.  Paste: download_depot 489830 489833 1298692161422189837 (at the bottom)

    The v1.5.39 exe will download to [...]steamapps/content/app_489830/depot_489833 put it back into the Skyrim SE folder and set it to read only.


    It's a temporary fix until they release an updated SKSE64 for 1.5.50.  I hope this helps!

    Done, and thank you.

  • September 5, 2018

    RIP, Kitty and Edhelas!

    I've just rolled a Dunmer named Sul Nerano.  I have done nothing with him yet, as I am trying to decide what path (i.e., backstory and focus) to use for him.  Once I figure this out, I will post his concept and (limitedly) exploits.  Hopefully, he will make it further than Arenthil.

  • Member
    September 5, 2018

    Farnir is level 13 and has yet to leave Winterhold.


    I'm plotting a different sort of strategy this time around. Rather than trying to snatch up the most powerful spells immediately, I'm going to try and have the Ordinator Perk Tree help a dude out with skills designed to promote survival and give boosts to existing spells. If this boy dies, I have a smarter way of doing the same thing for the future. 

  • September 5, 2018

    Mercurias said:

    I'm plotting a different sort of strategy this time around. Rather than trying to snatch up the most powerful spells immediately, I'm going to try and have the Ordinator Perk Tree help a dude out with skills designed to promote survival and give boosts to existing spells. If this boy dies, I have a smarter way of doing the same thing for the future. 

    Sounds like a solid tactic to me!


    After giving it a fair amount of thought, I decided to roll a Breton this time around. She's a proud, headstrong lady who goes by the name of Gwendolyn Cheval. She's the youngest of six children and more than eager to prove her merit, having lived her entire life in the shadow of her older brothers. She's come to Skyrim to find both fame and purpose, and to show her brothers that she is, in fact, exactly as skilled a mage as she claims to be! :D Her cantrips are candlelight and hailstone (a frost spell from the Apocalypse mod), and I think I'll be focusing on frost magic with her. Maybe. Not sure yet.

    I don't have any detailed plans for her, only some ideas I want to test: I want her to join the College, the Dawnguard, and the Companions, and the latter I'll justify with Lyn's ability to completely ignore what others think of her: she doesn't care what they say. If she thinks something will work out, she'll make it work out, and if she wants to use a magical sword, she'll use a magical sword :D She does things her way, consequences be damned!

    Gwendolyn starts out in Solitude where she's just arrived via boat, and as her first impression of the city is mainly positive she decides to stay for a little while, do some errands, make new friends, get her bearings. At the city gates she's greeted by none other than General Tullius himself, and when both the General and the gate guard suggest that she'd join the Legion, she decides to pay Castle Dour a visit. She has a chat with Legate Rikke and receives her first official quest, one she's eager to see through quickly to impress both the Legate and the General, and she ponders her options on the way to the Winking Skeever. Lyn is not a fool - even if her brothers love to say so -, and she understands that taking on a fort's worth of bandits alone is suicide. Instead, she spends the last of her savings to hire a bodyguard, a spellsword called Belrand, and after a well-slept night they head out of the city to clear the fort and bring glory to their name...

    I started to ramble there a bit, my apologies. This challenge is inspiring! ^^


  • Member
    September 5, 2018

    Gwendolyn sounds interesting ^^ Poor kitty, the animals are just scary as hell

  • Member
    September 6, 2018

    Farnir is now level 17. He slithered through Saarthall using fire runes, corners, and the Bane Spirit spell from the Apocolypse mod. In moments of desperation he also used his Familiar to buy time. He returned to the College with a fine new arcane staff, significant new research, a fragment of Gaulder's own amulet, and a bizarre relic called the Philosopher's Stone, which has attuned to him and creates coins, of all things, on the daily.


    With his money woes resolved (so long as he remains patient in any case) Farnir is going to let himself ease back into his studies for a time, making slow purchase of spells while he deciphers old texts and practices to strengthen his power and understanding of the arcane. Lately his focus has been on trying to reach the rank of adept for each magical school, which should be attainable in time.