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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 31, 2014

    There's still open slots!? Hmmm... maybe I'll make a last minute submission tonight, after work.

    I just haven't so far because Freystein's Tale doesn't seem to be much of a hit, but if there's space...

    If you think it'd be okay to toss Freystein in, I'll put a look together tonight that doesn't include any modded armor or weapons. I have to ask though, how hard would it be to toss a cloak on him, just something simple?

  • Member
    March 31, 2014
    A cloak wouldn't be hard. And by all means, submit your blog. We've got big and small stories alike.
  • Member
    April 1, 2014

    Freystein Gaefumathr

    Male Nord

    Freystein's Tale

    Gear (Using non-modded stuff, this should give a close enough look)

    Studded Armor
    Hide Bracers
    Steel Cuffed Boots
    Steel Sword
    Travel Cloak - Linen (from Frostfall, or any brown, grey, or green cloak or cape from whatever mod).

    As far as pose... arms crossed or drinking.

    Here's a screenshot for reference, and there should be an attached SPF :

    Thank you for your consideration!

  • Member
    April 1, 2014


    That's it! Submissions are over. We've got a total of 11 participants. I'll work on the group photo as much as I can over the next week or two. It will take some time to complete.

    Hopefully the end result will come to meet all of your expectations! I'll keep updating on progress as I go along.

  • Member
    April 1, 2014

    Good luck! 

  • Member
    April 1, 2014


  • Member
    April 2, 2014

    Looking forward to the resulting banner. I can tell it'll look great. 

  • Member
    April 13, 2014


    ...Well, not so much of an update really. I haven't made much progress. I'm currently working on creating a .esp file making all of your characters followers. This will make it easier to equip them with whatever stuff you've all requested and make it a little easier to rearrange their positions.

    Trouble is, I haven't really had the time to sit down and work on it. I'd have a lot more done by this point if not for final projects and final exams. The rest of this month is going to be very busy for me. It probably won't be until near the end of April that this image is completed. Still, I thought you all deserved to know. 

    I'll post again once I've made better headway.

  • Member
    April 14, 2014

    It's certainly a busy time of year. Of course, take your time!