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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 27, 2014
    Look up the TES calendar on
  • Member
    March 28, 2014

    Definitely looking forward to seeing how this turns out. A brilliant idea from the beginning!

  • Member
    March 30, 2014

    Just saw this now, I'd love it if my character could be involved if theres spaces left.

    Name: Shawk

    Race & Gender: Nord-Male

    Blog: The Last Witch Hunters

    Equipment: Kinglsayers armor (the one Letho wears) from the Witcher armor mod and a novice hood, also a brown leather cape (sorry to cause hassle with the mods) and a silver greatsword

    Pose: As seen in photo below (don't know pose name) unless someone else is using it then pick any random pose for males (i tried to search for some other poses but well... dont try searching 'skyrim pose' it brings up some... interesting results (sorry again for lack of knowledge of pose names)

    Sliders: Heres the tricky bit, as i no longer have access to Skyrim (friends got it atm and theres no hope of a quick return) I can't provide you with sliders, however if that doesnt automatically disqualify me can you choose choose the first nord preset face and make him have brown smallest stubble possible, maxed out muscle and with the claw mark scar on the side of his face. The rest shouldn't matter as the lack of much hair and scars are his trademark features.

    Pose and example of character (although facial hair is wrong in this):

    Sorry for lack of sliders and mod names and I understand if you can't create the character although i'd really love to see him in the banner and would be very grateful. Thanks!

  • Member
    March 30, 2014

    You can't give me any sort of sliders? Who made the screenshot, then?

  • Member
    March 31, 2014

    I'm afraid at this rate I won't make the deadline, regretfully. However, if you ever decide to do something like this again I would be happy to participate. Hopefully, in such as event, I would have everything together.

  • Member
    March 31, 2014
    Don't use my character, it wouldn't be fair considering my blog is still in development and it probably will stay that way for a few more weeks...
  • Member
    March 31, 2014
    Morta made the screenshot a while back I'm happy with a simple default nord face with shave beard and scars and muscles his hood should cover most of his look if you really need sliders I can send morta a message however I think he used the default nord look with a few edits
  • Member
    March 31, 2014

    If you say so. 

    Don't worry, I don't think this will be the only time I make a photo like this. Once the scene itself is set up, adding in new npcs wouldn't be difficult.

  • Member
    March 31, 2014

    Alright... If it is just a few edits from a default preset, I'll make an exception. It's just more work on my end to have to recreate characters. The more guys like these I have to do, the longer it'll take to get to the photo.

    Do you at least know which preset it is? XD

  • Member
    March 31, 2014

    The first preset for Nord males he just needs the most visible scars minimal facial hair (although not all off) and full muscle slider.

    Thanks alot sorry for the difficulties!! Can i just say this is a great idea and will really allow people to leave their mark on the group and feel more a part of it!