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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    Just send me one of them, if you can. I'm limiting this to one character per person. Don't forget to include the rest of the info I need. 

  • March 17, 2014

    I don't mind if you have to leave it out then

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    I might be ab;e to extract Tae from it. I shall!

  • March 17, 2014

    I dont have any memorable posts, nor do I have more than three posting of one blog... *Sadface*

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    How do we send the files? Attach in the comment?

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    Yes. There's an option to upload files at the bottom.

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    Sorry man. Perhaps if this goes well, we can do another for blog members in general (though that would be a little crazy...)

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    OK. Also, want to mention, if you have too many posts here, feel free to remove mine, there are a lot of blogs with much better quality and it would be a shame if my 4 chapter blog character took their place 

  • March 17, 2014

    nah its cool man. I was apart of another group photo, so Im good.

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    Hopefully that won't have to happen, but I appreciate the modesty.