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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 18, 2014

    OK. I haven't been able to due to school work. I'll get on it.

  • Member
    March 18, 2014
    Much appreciated. :)
  • Member
    March 18, 2014

    I can alter his height in the creation kit. This will work.

  • Member
    March 18, 2014

    Here is Scrag  The gear is the one shown in the picture (Sleeveless Fur Armor - 0010594f, Ragged Cap - 00013104, Ragged Boots - 00013106), animation is also the same (Picture). The only weapon is shiv, but since he uses it with the left hand, it's not visible 

  • Member
    March 18, 2014
    Oh, in the case he is in the Mecebary armor, the bandolier and such should be black :)
  • Member
    March 18, 2014
    1. The Name of your Character Alcarien Laure
    2. The Race & Gender of your Character Altmer Male
    3. The Name of your Blog (and a link to it) Alcarien's Accounts
    4. Your Character’s Attire & Equipment Hoodless Expert Robes and a Destruction Staff
    5. A Desired Pose for the Photo Reading a book as depicted in the example- If this means you need to remove the staff, I don't mind that at all. If its possible to do the reading pose but with his head up and not staring down at the page, that would be preferable, but if its not possible, that is fine! A pleasant smile on his face, please.

    Sliders: Start with preset one.

    Skin Tone: 2

    Weight: 0

    Complexion: 3 Everything else in 'Head' section is Zero.

    Face- Nose Type: 2

    Nose Height: 3

    Nose Length: 14

    Jaw Width: 0

    Jaw Height: 0

    Jaw Forward: 13

    Cheekbone Height: 10

    Cheekbone Width: 0

    Rest of 'Face' section: 0

    Eyes section-

    Eyes Shape: Far right

    Eye color: 3

    Eye height: Far right

    Eye width: 0

    Eye Depth: 11

    Rest of 'Eyes' section: Zero

    Brow section-

    Brow Type: 10

    Brow Height: Far right

    Brow Width: 10

    Brow Forward: 0

    Mouth section-

    Mouth shape: 0

    Mouth height: 8

    Mouth Forward: 10

    Chin width: 10

    Chin Length: 0

    Chin Forward: 10

    Lip Color: 0

    Hair section-

    Hair: 7

    Facial Hair: 6

    Hair color: 3

  • Member
    March 18, 2014

    ** UPDATE **

    I've added a list of the current characters that have submitted. There are still plenty of vacant slots, so if you want your blog character in the photo, give me your info! Even if the remaining slots get filled, I will still try to accept other submissions if I can.

    I'd really like to try and get some other big name bloggers to join in on this - folks like Clement Bilhorn, Christopher Perigoe, and of course Saryn. We need to spread the word of this to as many people as we can. I'd hate to leave out anyone who'd want to join in.

    Beyond this, there's still no deadline. We'll let this go another week or so and see how many characters we can get.

  • Member
    March 19, 2014

    I never actually made Talan in-game. He's just a big, slim but strong, bald-headed vampire Redguard. I'm sure you can handle that, Okan. Give him just Redguard clothes and call it a day. 

  • Member
    March 19, 2014

    I could, but I'd prefer to have something more definitive. I'll make an exception for you in regards to the whole character creation thing, but it would make my job easier if you could send me either a face gen file or character sliders. 

    Making people from scratch always takes a ton of time for me. I fiddle with appearances too much. 

  • Member
    March 19, 2014

    I still haven't installed Skyrim on my new computer, but I'll see what I can do. Reserve a slot for me, please, if you haven't already.