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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 24, 2014
    Good, I worked hard on that :P
  • Member
    March 24, 2014

    *scrambles to reorder the names*

    ...I have no idea that you're talking about.

  • March 24, 2014

    lol, Jesse Cox all over again...

  • Member
    March 24, 2014

    Thanks Bryn... frowning and smiling >:)

  • Member
    March 26, 2014


    Seeing that submissions have dwindled down, I'm setting the cutoff date to April 1st. After that, no more submissions will be taken.

    If you still haven't brought me the things I need, try to get on that as soon as you can! If you want to submit your character, feel free to - we've still got spots open.

    Once all this mess is done, you guys can sit back and relax while I stress out for a week and work my tail off to try and make this photo. XD

  • Member
    March 26, 2014

    Looking forward tot he final product, Okan! Good luck 

  • Member
    March 26, 2014

    This looks like something that would be nice to participate in. Unfortunately I have yet to make a blog. My first planned one would be Brearth's journal, but I need to get a new copy of Skyrim so that I can see the dates and update the generic placer-holder dates I have on the entries so far. Another setback is that I'm waiting on a screenshot so that I can do his profile before I put those up. Either way unless it takes forever and a day to get the banner done I doubt I'd be able to be in it.

    Still, I look forward to seeing how it turns out. 

  • Member
    March 26, 2014

    Keep me posted. Still need to fill those empty spots. 

  • Member
    March 26, 2014

    Hey, I'm looking forward to it too! And thanks!

  • Member
    March 27, 2014

    If you know of any list of the days, months, years in Skyrim's lore, that would probably help speed things along. The guy doing the screenshot seems to work really fast, so it shouldn't take long to get mine done. Then I can get my profile up and start posting the journal entries (I have a lot so far, which I can PM/Email to you if you wanna get a sneak peek). Aside from that, I'd still need that new copy of Skyrim so I could tell you what slider choices I used for Brearth.