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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 20, 2014

    So wait, you gave me a character for a blog that doesn't exist? 

    You can if you want, I suppose. It's up to you. I trust you're working on this blog now, to some capacity?

  • Member
    March 20, 2014
    I am, I have the first page done. Trying to make it perfect :)
  • Member
    March 20, 2014

    I approve of Bryn's slot. 

  • Member
    March 21, 2014

    As do I, of course. I've been really lenient with the whole 'three blog post limit' thing. XD

  • Member
    March 21, 2014
    Three? I've been trying to delete my earlier ones because they were more of an experiment than anything, and the other I ran out of things for the main character to do... I will always keep Crimson Snow though, I feel it deserves to stay :)
  • Member
    March 21, 2014

    I didn't think I would have three entries before the event closed, but now that I have, is a slot available for Alazir?

  • Member
    March 22, 2014

    No worries! I haven't started making the photo yet. 

  • Member
    March 22, 2014
    Also wanted to note we've got two different spellings of Alcarien up there.
  • Member
    March 22, 2014

    Fixed that. Apologies. I'm prone to small spelling errors.

  • Member
    March 22, 2014

    It's fine, really. This is why I haven't started yet. Wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable with their submissions.