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The Story Corner Banner (Group Photo) – If You Write a Blog, REA

  • Member
    March 17, 2014


    ** Final Participants **

    Aclarien Laure (Aclarien's Accounts)
    Alazir (Thiago's Tales)
    Chases-The-Wind (Dragon of the East)
    Freystein Gaefumathr (Freystein's Tale)
    Krahg (A Tale of Two Travelers)
    Lucius Capran (The Outsider)
    Scrag (Wizard’s Servant)
    Tae-Rai (The Thorn-Tail Chronicles)
    Talan (The Last)
    Wergar (The Gray Wolf Tales)

    ...As for the rest of the post, I'll just leave it here.

     ** What is this? **

    I’m going to create an image we can use as a banner for the Story Corner.

    It will be a group photo of main characters from different blogs all gathered together! 

    But there’s a catch. In order to make this less of a headache for me, and to keep things orderly, I’m asking for the cooperation of any and all blog writers who will participate.

    If you want your character to take a place in the photo, please read on!


    ** Requirements and Restrictions **

    1. Your character must be from a blog of your creation. You cannot use characters from other people’s work or from Skyrim itself.
    2. Your blog must have at least three entries, or be recognized by the Skyrim Blog community, to qualify.

    For the sake of ensuring fair representation, I’m setting a limit of one character per person! Even if you have several major characters in your blog, I want you to pick the one you feel will best stand for the story you’ve created.

    Also, there will be a limit on the number of characters I will include in the photo. My current target is twelve, but I can attempt to include more if demand is high enough. This will be first come, first serve! However, blogs that have existed longer and have more entries will take priority – I want to recognize the people who’ve stuck it out with their projects over time.

    (Though, granted, I haven’t exactly been here the longest myself…)

    I will allow submissions to take place over a long period of time; at least a week or two.

    There will be no set deadline for now, though one may be established after enough time has passed.


    ** What I Need From YOU **

    To submit your character, just post a response to this discussion with the following information:

    1. The Name of your Character
    2. The Race & Gender of your Character
    3. The Name of your Blog (and a link to it)
    4. Your Character’s Attire & Equipment
    5. A Desired Pose for the Photo

    MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, I need one of two things:

    If you have access to Skyrim on the PC

    • Attach to your post (or send to me via mail) a .npc file containing your character’s face gen data.

    If you don’t have access to Skyrim on the PC

    • Include a set of character sliders, either as numbers or direct images from the character creation menu.

    I will further explain how to do these things below, if you need help.

    I WILL NOT try to recreate your character by eyeballing a screenshot or image… That’s unnecessary work on my end. Nor will I accept written descriptions. Creating npcs for each character and setting up the shot will be time consuming enough. All I ask is your cooperation.

    You can still give me a screenshot for reference with the above items if you want.



    ** Answers to Forseen Questions **

    (I'd call it an FAQ, but technically...)

    How do I create a face gen file?

    Easy. Just load a game with your desired character, open the developer console (~ key), and type in the following:

    spf YourFileNameHere

    The command “spf” will write your character’s face data onto a file with the name you designate. You can find the file in your main Skyirm directory.

    I can import this file onto an npc and then place him or her in the game. In addition to being a painless process, this way, the exact character you create goes into the photo. Even the weight you assign will be recreated.

    Try not to send me files made from characters with modded meshes or models. These may cause conflicts. Custom skin tones and face paints will work. I’ve tested them.


    How do I make character sliders?

    This is a bit more involved. You’ll have to go through and count out the slider values for your character in the character creation menu. For console players, Dawnguard includes a face sculptor in the Ratway – go see her if you want to access the menu with an already existing character. Otherwise, you’ll need to start a new game.

    Look at each value (yes, each one – I need all of them) and count how many ticks the slider has moved from the far left. Most values will be from 0 to 20, with 0 being the far left and 20 being the far right. Other sliders for things like nose type might not have this many settings. Again, just count from the left.

    Here are some examples of character sliders: Link

    If you don’t want to write all this down, you can just take pictures of the sliders and send them to me. However, this will be more prone to errors, as I am essentially guessing how far along the sliders are. I’m not going to proof-check the data. If you want to be sure your character will look right, send me numbers.


    I can’t give you a file or character sliders! What do I do?

    I’ll tell you what you don’t do. Participate. :P

    Sorry, but like I’ve said, I’m not going to recreate characters from scratch. It’s needless hassle.

    If you can, see if someone else will lend assistance – maybe a friend can generate a face gen file for you. Think outside the box if you’re truly determined!

    What can my character wear?

    Anything that comes with vanilla Skyrim and its expansions.

    I also have immersive armors and witcher armors as well, along with bandoleers, knapsacks, hoods, capes, blindfolds, and other assorted items. These are a bit trickier to apply, though, so if you can live without modded content, don’t ask for any.

    Your character can have any weapon equipped, too. Just think about what your character would have in the game.


    What kind of pose can my character have?

    Almost anything you can think of, really. I can do a lot. Below are some sample poses that I cobbled together for Chases-The-Wind:

    I can mess with body position, body language, facial expression; the whole works. Your character doesn’t even have to be standing!

    I am limited to animations within vanilla Skyrim, but even these offer a great deal of freedom. Don’t worry about whether or not you think I can do a specific pose – I’ll tell you if I can’t.

    If you don’t want to give me a pose, I’ll make one up.

    …Oh, but just for the record, I won’t pose your character attacking other characters in the photo. Everyone has to play nice, okay?


    Where will the photo be taken?

    I’ve yet to decide for certain. Jorrvaskr is my current thought. It’s a large indoor environment with good lighting – as you can see in the image at the top of this page. Plus, since it is indoors, it’ll be less cpu intensive. I can really crank up the graphics quality for the photo, adding stuff like enb dof effects and SSAO.

    If you have a suggestion for a photo location, include it in your post. Better yet, send me a screenshot so I can see what it looks like!

    ** A Final Word **

    My hope is to make a photo that’ll do everyone here at the story corner proud. We’ve picked up in activity over the past few months, I’d say, and it’s high time we start doing bigger and bolder things in the months to come.

    So here’s to writing stories and loving every minute of it! I look forward to seeing everyone who participates in this project!

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    I would love to do this! But I've only just started writing blogs. Any chance you could make an exception? I am currently working on another two short stories, one which is almost ready to be posted.

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    I think I can make an exception. Your blog has gotten good attention after all, as far as blog posts go.

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    Good thing my blog has 4 chapters  I'll make the face gen file soon, never knew about that console command 

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    It's sooooo useful. I hate trying to make characters in the creation kit's menus. These days, I just make characters in game and write them to files.

  • March 17, 2014

    This is cool. Don't know if I'll do it though. We each have our own version of Gram. 

  • March 17, 2014

    This is nice, although since you want the sliders a bit different then I had them on a previous screenshot request message I will have to change a few things, well here goes:

    Lucius Capran, he is the listener of the Dark Brotherhood in my story and one of the most important characters in it. I would have used Ruby as well, but since we are limited to one character each [unless you want to make an exception for hosts ;) ] I'm going with him. Plus Ruby gets a sort of Cercei Lanister (love to hate her) type of hate so someone would get mad at me if I included her and left Lucius out.

    If he starts to look a bit like Geralt of Rivia then you're on the right track:

    Preset 5, I'll only list the sliders I moved

    scars: 1 - eye color: 10 - hair: 11 - hair color: 8 - facial hair: 6

    equipment: guild master's chest and boots, with nightingale gloves, no headgear

    If you can I would also like you to add an ebony 1 handed sword to his back.

    Pose: Reading the book, and if you can mess with his facial expression make him slightly displeased.

    Looking forward to seeing it 

  • March 17, 2014

    Come on Shor, your blog is one of the older and more popular ones, we would love to see your version of Gram. 

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    I will be able to send you the RAR directly with my characters, if it help. Thanks a bunch 

  • Member
    March 17, 2014

    This will work just fine. Bear in mind, though, I can't have only certain characters wear swords on their backs. Skeleton mods apply to all npcs. If your guy gets it, everyone does.