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Building for Survival Mode (FO4)

  • Member
    May 19, 2016

    yup same. I will say it's not the riskiest way to play...but in this first try at survival mode...I figured why hold back on damage dealt?

  • Member
    May 19, 2016

    I've yet to take Snadman. Although my only silenced weapon is my .50 hunting rifle and with just the bonuses from Ninja I can one shot an Alpha Deathclaw.

  • Member
    May 19, 2016

    I also have the final perk in Sniper, + 25% accuracy to VATS headshots with a scoped rifle, and MacCready's perk, another + 20%. At long distances I have a better chance to hit the head then I do the body 

  • Member
    May 19, 2016

    Sorry for the endless questions, but I think this is the last piece of the puzzle for me:

    You recommend sticking to one gun type--my choice is rifles. But like you, I'd like to hold on to Deliverer. I suppose with Sandman, Deliverer doesn't really need an investment in Gunslinger?

  • Member
    May 19, 2016

    I share your philosophy, haha.

    At first, I was thinking "eh I'll just do one good survival run, no risk-taking" but now I'm thinking I'll scrap all my other ideas and devote myself to survival playstyles. There are a handful of builds I want to test on this site (if ever I can complete a single playthrough), but I don't think I can resign myself to Very Hard. I jumped on an old character and noticed how rapid that stimpak heal is. I don't think I can go back to that, haha.

  • Member
    May 21, 2016
    Corvega was awesome. I snuck in and out through the sewer, and in the boss room I turned out the robot and stood back. Every car ended up exploding and took everyone out. There was one turret left for me to deal with. I died a few times before I got to see that awesome scene play out though I know I'm kinda gushing at this point, but it really is such a different game on survival. The limited saves is what really makes it so intense I think
  • Member
    May 21, 2016
    Getting those explosions just right really adds to the epic effect. Nice work :)
  • Member
    May 21, 2016

    Level 40 and feeling pretty freakin strong. The only things giving me trouble is I ran into 2 Sentry Bots on my to Libertalia. I wasn't really ready for that sort of assault and got mowed down in short order. 

    So I've made it to the Institute and started that quest line. It def feels like a refuge after 30 plus levels in the wasteland. Free doctor. Clean bed. And sort-of fast travel. 

    Just finished Battle of Bunker Hill. Trying to decide if I want to visit Far Harbor before finishing the main quest...

  • Member
    May 21, 2016

    Far harbor is so fucking difficult on normal at level 30 for me. It would be really scary on survival is my bet.

  • Member
    May 21, 2016

    Not really, I went through Far Harbor at about level 40 on survival (with from the sounds of it a fairly similar play style to Motty, Sneak criticals for the win) and I was my worst enemy. Admittedly I can 2 shot a Behemoth, 1 shot a Deathclaw and so on...

    I'm seriously starting to think that I've gotten to the point with this character that only a couple of things from here on will be a challenge.