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Building for Survival Mode (FO4)

  • Member
    May 21, 2016

    maybe with one or two ranks of ninja only i am not that op? i dunno. how do you handed mire lurk queens? i used 15 stimpaks against one of them in far harbor.

  • Member
    May 21, 2016

    3 headshots and a Mirelurk Queen is down, and since I fought a legendary one during a quest in Far Harbor (scared the shit out of me since I didn't think that was possible) I know that it's about five for them. Now this is using my fully upgraded relentless .50 hunting rifle and sneak. I will admit that a single hit of their vomity acid attack can come close to killing me, and during the fight with the legendary one I had to use a stimpak to stop that from happening.

  • Member
    May 22, 2016

    I got so scared on that meat quest in far harbor. So scary

  • Member
    May 22, 2016

    I once ran into a Mirelurk Queen which had just finished killing a sentry bot. MacCready decided to get out a gatling laser and get it's attention while I was crouched right next to him. I was hit by the acid because of him... Still managed to kill it.

    There was one time were I could here this loud thumping noise. So I walked over this very small rise and found a behemoth. I ran away. Then later when passing by again the Behemoth was still there. And that's the story of how I learned how many shots it takes me to kill a behemoth 

  • Member
    May 22, 2016


  • May 23, 2016

    So three weeks after the tree falls, finally got my internet back. I got the update downloaded, and finally got my first taste of survival mode!

    My first impressions:

    I got lost in the fog in an area I know well, due to the fact that locations don't pop up on your radar until you are alomst on them. I'm going to have to start paying better attention.

    I'm going to have to get my OCD under control. Spending time making sure that all the fences line up, all the beds are in a row, and the crops are planted in a neat orderly fashion just means I get out of build mode with more fatigue.

    Not every selltement needs to be epic. If they have a cooking station, a source for clean water, and bed; that is sufficient for now.

    Also, showing up back at the settlement with every ball pean hammer, screwdriver, and bucket is out of the question. I'm going to have to control myself, and loot only what I will need. It kills me to leave a roll of duct tape behind, but there are easier sources of adhesive and cloth. Let it go, Daryl.

    As far as more helpful notes:

    Settlers can still carry a butload. I  a previous build, one with low charisma and no supply lines, I used settlers as pack mules. I would load a settler with all the materials needed to complete a selletment, and then move them. Once I get a little deeper into the game, I plan to use this, using hagnmans alley as a drop of point for sellable goods. When I get there, I'll be able to make runs into Diamond City, and unload my loot.

    Destroyed power armor still weighs nothing, and can be sold for a reasonable price: a good reason to invest in explosives.

    That's all I got for now. I know I'm way behind the rest of you. But one thing I have learned is that we all approach this game a little differently, so we all get different insights into things. If I stumble across something significant, I will be sure to post it.

    It's a dangerous world out there. Wish me luck.

  • Member
    May 23, 2016

    gl m8

  • Member
    May 23, 2016
    Have fun with it! The weightless damaged PA is a good catch already. I meant to put that somewhere but in a game where carry weight counts so much, it's a solid point.
  • Member
    May 24, 2016

    has anyone used a high charisma build for this yet?

  • Member
    May 24, 2016
    Just up to local leader for me. You thinking about intimitation?