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Redguard Braintstorming Thread

  • June 26, 2016

    Anybody got ideas about what the eye on the back in Redguard armor could mean?

  • June 26, 2016

    You got a screenshot, by any chance?

  • June 26, 2016

    Yep, here you go:

  • June 26, 2016

    Hmm. It looks a bit like the College of Winterhold symbol.

    If I had to guess it's meant to represent one of the gods or maybe even their ancestors 'watching their backs.' Assuming it's one of the gods, not sure which one. Could be Julianos since I believe the Forebears worship him (and his connection to a similar symbol in Winterhold). Could be Leki who is allegedly connected to Julianos or the Sun (which the eye resembles).

    There's no eye symbolism in Redguard lore. You could say Ruptga is an Odin-like figure and Odin gave up one of his eyes to gain the Wisdom of Ages, but that's a very weak connection.

  • June 26, 2016

    Yeah it does kind of look like the Winterhold symbol. If it had been more snake like I would have said Satakal but it's not really.

  • Member
    June 26, 2016

    There is a book which refers to the sun as "Tava's shining eye." Not sure if that is relevant here.

    The Unveiled Azadiyeh says:

    Tava, as spirit of the air and goddess of weather, has dominion over all elements of sun and storm, save only for the stars, which belong to Ruptga (may praises ever follow his name).

  • June 26, 2016

    Huh, I wonder what makes the sun part of Tava's sphere and not Ruptga's along with the stars.

  • Member
    June 26, 2016

    Yeah, I would say so. This is a subject near and dear to me so I am incredibly biased, but there are a number of things to indicate that she has the sun in her sphere. Glinting Talons makes a few oblique references to light, almost Meriia-like in how it is presented:

    The bird's keen sight, accuracy, and rending claws inspired their sword-songs, and references to the sun and light are numerous.

    "Face the burdensome sun. Carry its weight face-wise. Submit to the endless edges twinned.

    Master these strikes in the morning; cleave the light and leave the foe in darkness:

    "Two Blades Become Four

    "Lion's Teeth Exposed in Thunder

    "Five Arrows Split the Sky

    "The Screech of Descent upon Helpless Prey

    "Master these strikes in the evening; chase the enemy and burn its flesh."

    Factor in MK's comment about Meridia and Kyne:

    What no one has ever seen is the connection between Meridia and Kyne. Let that sink in. What do they-- when connected-- both govern?

    And you have this nice Kyne/Tava/Meridia trichotomy. That sunlight is magicka which is souls only adds the complexity of this amazing goddess.

  • June 26, 2016

    That seems possible. It was said that Tava filled their sails when they fled Yokuda. Maybe now she is meant to push them into battle as opposed to away from destruction.

  • Member
    June 26, 2016

    Matt!!! Filled their sails! Solar Wind! Walkabout! Yokuda as previous Kalpa...?

    Could that myth be that the Yokudan's escaped the previous Kalpa (Yokuda) by following the stars with Tava's solar wind propelling them? Yoku rocket ships dude!