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The Ancient Nordic Pantheon

  • Member
    February 26, 2016

    Exactly, Justiciar Thorien. To me that is a very valid point. When you look at the history of Skyrim like a song or piece of music there are riffs which repeat again and again throughout. I would argue that the process of conversion and reversion back to the old ways is very much one of those musical motifs.

  • Member
    February 26, 2016

    So now it’s Akatosh actually saying [about Reman] “no, for real, I'm going to make this motherfucker the king of the world and completely immortal.”

  • February 26, 2016

    Then there's hope that they stop worshipping Talos some day...

  • February 26, 2016

    Then it was an epic fail... First, he never conquered Alinor and second - he died eventually))

  • Member
    February 26, 2016

    Forget Talos. They should go back to following the ancient Nordic pantheon.

  • February 26, 2016

    I have nothing against their ancient pantheon, quite the opposite. As long as they don't worship Talos, it's totally fine to me.

  • Member
    February 26, 2016

    I wish the Reman Dynasty was still alive. Then perhaps all this Talos stuff would've never happen. Maybe.

  • Member
    February 26, 2016

    But Talos is very important. He achieved peace, uniting elves and men and fulfilling Lorkhan's dream -  a united Tamriel under peace and prosperity and civilisation. The Thalmor would end that, subjugate humanity like the Ayleids of old.

    How long before "Wailing Wheels" and "Gut Gardens" are a common site in the former provinces of Empire? How long before your Wood Elves are a thing of the past, heathen and impure as they are? When do those purges we never hear about end, when every Bosmer lies dead at the feet of the soldiers of the Dominion? How long before the torture of children for "night time tiger sport" is all the rage again? And what of the Khajiit? Will you Thalmor allow them to continue existing or try and revert them back to their elven roots?

    No, Talos must be worshipped and he must unite men again and wipe the scourge of the Dominion from the face of Tamriel. The Thalmor must be stomped out of existence or put to the sword like Pelinal, Mor and Alessia did to the Ayleids thousands of years ago. Man must unite and throw off their chains, be it under Empire, Nordic clans or a mighty Yokudan Make Way.

    This theme in the song is a bitter one, I'll admit, but it's time is at hand and must be sang again.

  • February 26, 2016

    @Axius, it's quite possible that if there would still be an emperor of Reman Dynasty, Talos might just betray and kill him just like Culhecain and Wulfhart.

    @Phil, are you sure it was really peace? Only Nords and Imperials think so. Everyone else hated that Empire. I personally think that when humans rule, it is a disaster. They are warmongering barbarians, even the Imperials. All their history is endless wars. There would be no peace in Tamriel under their rule. The Altmer aren't flawless but at least they seek knowledge and order, not only war.

  • Member
    February 26, 2016

    For what it's worth, Liege, I don't think anyone can answer those questions. It boils down to interpretation of the sources more than anything else and why you will only ever get vague answers on the subject whenever mythopoeia raises it's grim head in a conversation - btw, thanks for dropping in :)

    So what do you believe? Are Kyne and Kynareth two distinct aspects of a larger whole, sang up from the corpse of their divinity? Or are they two entirely separate entities whose spheres overlap?