Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Sternguard

Tags: #Character Build Archer  #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Enchanter  #Rank:Legendary 
  • Member
    May 9, 2013

    Thanks, I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy the playthrough. 

  • Member
    May 22, 2013
    This build looks epic! I love that first pic. What percent health regen do you have on your endgame equipment? It's just that I read somewhere that the max health regen on any self-enchanted equipment is only like 40%.
  • Member
    May 22, 2013

    I believe it was 31% or 33%. With all 3 pieces you have about +100% healing rate, which is quite nice. 

  • Member
    November 7, 2013

    Why is this not Legendary!? This is amazing. And I'm sorry to say this was the first time I every read through it 

  • Member
    November 7, 2013

    No problem man! Thanks.

  • Member
    November 8, 2013

    That would be quite nice. But in all honesty in the time you spend doing that quest, you could probably just level smithing anyways.Also I detest that quest :P .

  • Member
    December 24, 2013

    Just FYI, a bow's item weight has no bearing on it's draw speed. Draw speed is an independent stat. A Nordic Carved bow has the EXACT same draw speed and damage as an elven bow. the only difference is that it takes up a little less carry weight, looks different, and takes a different perk and materials to make.

    The best bow I would say would be the Dragonbone bow. It has the highest damage per shot while shooting as fast as a dwarven bow (faster than elven or nordic). You would have to use a couple more perks to reach dragon smithing though. I would probably forget about the perks in restoration tree and go for dragon smithing and some other perk.

  • Member
    December 24, 2013

    That is not what I have seen. "The weight of the bow also dictates the effort required to pull the string back, or "draw", meaning that the heavier the bow, the longer it will take, and the more damage the shot will do. The lightest bow is 5WeightIcon and can fire 0.55 shots every second (1.818 seconds before 1 shot)."

  • Member
    December 24, 2013

    I am guessing you play on console. With the PC we get the construction set with which we can look at the actual values used by the game and not people's assumptions. This site uses this tool to get the proper values. that is the base game and dawnguard bows. Here are the dragonborn bows.

    The weight stat for bows is NOT the force required to draw it back, but rather how much it weighs. The reason there seems to be a trend is simply that bethesda tends to make all weapons increase in weight as they increase in quality. The weight stat is not connected to the draw speed, it just looks that way.

    On another note, I like your build and think it will be better for me personally than when I tried a Demonhunter character. I just wanted to help educate you so you don't look like a fool. It might help this build reach legendary and beyond if you get your facts straight.

  • Member
    December 24, 2013

    Ah. I do play primarily on console. I am going to stick with nordic because I am already doing massive amounts of damage, and grinding to 100 in smithing is not exactly fun. Thanks anyways though.