Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Discussion: Improving CB

  • May 1, 2018

    The Long-Chapper said: Everyone has been Joe or Joanthenewgal once. Lordy, I really don’t even consider myself a veteran builder. Too sporadic with my output.

    Yea, but let's face it, when I do see your name on the homepage, I click the link. It's sure to be quality stuff. I do love how humble all my examples of great builders are though. Ironically, it's rather telling as to why you guys are always striving to do better and hire you've achieved the quality of work that you have. Next I should reference Shinjin. See if I can get him to blush.

  • May 1, 2018

    Wait, I have to prove a point about my old builds :P Lets hope I can find one and you'll understand what I mean. Because I was below average when I started (in basically the prime time of activity in the group), lost at least 4 builds to Deathmatches, plus the deleted of another handful.l I can't find any of my really old builds, and I know that most of my current 'oldest' builds on the site have been revamped.

    But compare my highest ranking build, The Grey Prince, which is a Hall of Fame + Event: Legendary build that hit 69 likes...Can you honestly say that it holds a candle to anything that's in the SE Rank: Master or really any of Liss's builds? There's a huge level of difference in what I create now versus what I used to create, so yeah, honestly I'm rather proud of everything I create nowadays, but trust me man, I was definitely mediocre. And even now I consider there to be a huge level between myself and Liss/ShinJin.


    Bah, but enough about me. Yeah look, so I'll get my firm stance on competitions down just so I know what I'm thinking and everyone else does. 

    1 - Competitions will never end in content being deleted, or a builder being put down. I just don't think that's productive and I think there are plenty of other ways to encourage better content. Honestly, I don't delete much nowadays even if it does break the group rules. I'd rather talk to the builder, try and get them to improve versus deleting it and possibly forcing them away.

    2 - Competitions will be both 'blind' and 'free'. For example, Lords of High Rock is a bit of an experiment of a 'Free' Contest where everyone will know who the builder is and can vote based on all information 'Blind' Contests do have their place though, I mean sure there are some limitations like Shin, Liss and I all have pretty distinct art styles and editing to our builds that sets them apart and I reckon I could pick Tysoyaha's, Chris's, Pacco's, really most of the active builders and figure out who does what, but generally speaking I think it's a fun idea.

    But yeah, I don't have a problem with open competition. As long as nobody gets hurt at the end of the day, I'm fine.

    3 - I won't always run Contests, but I'm going to run them 50% of the time for Flash Events and about 75% of the time for full events. From now on, if it's a contest of any sort, they'll be named 'Flash Contest' and 'Contest' rather than mixing them up with Events so you can tell instantly (and yeah I'm changing Lords of High Rock to a Contest in name.) 

  • May 1, 2018
    What a complete waste of a thread this was... ...because Deebs is clearly already nailing it!!
  • Member
    May 1, 2018
    My first two builds got ol Ben C's axe. Back when I first joined, I didn't know you had to play test builds
  • May 1, 2018

    Chris said:Back when I first joined, I didn't know you had to play test builds

    Lol. That's actually pretty hilarious. I guess I didn't know you had to either, that just happened to be my favorite part. My builds were terrible for completely different reasons.

  • May 1, 2018

    Heh, I wasn't far off Chris. I knew you had to but a few of my early builds were... well let's just say that I chose to try not to for a few months after my first build. 

  • May 2, 2018

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Heh, I wasn't far off Chris. I knew you had to but a few of my early builds were... well let's just say that I chose to try not to for a few months after my first build. 


    Dude, I only just realized how little I was doing. I test my mechanics, (which on Xbox 360 could definitely take a while) and make sure it levels effectively for what I'm trying to achieve...but that was it. I mean, maybe if part of my RP affected leveling or gameplay somehow, then I would apply it to that process...but I always thought of creating a backstory and narrative for the character as somehow septate from playtesting. It wasn't until I started working with Shinjin that I realized how many times he replays to try different RP ideas and comes up with new story arcs through actually playing the character. That's probably why I was terrible at roleplay, so I'm glad realizing that has changed my approach.

  • May 2, 2018

    Tysoyaha said:

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Heh, I wasn't far off Chris. I knew you had to but a few of my early builds were... well let's just say that I chose to try not to for a few months after my first build. 


    Dude, I only just realized how little I was doing. I test my mechanics, (which on Xbox 360 could definitely take a while) and make sure it levels effectively for what I'm trying to achieve...but that was it. I mean, maybe if part of my RP affected leveling or gameplay somehow, then I would apply it to that process...but I always thought of creating a backstory and narrative for the character as somehow septate from playtesting. It wasn't until I started working with Shinjin that I realized how many times he replays to try different RP ideas and comes up with new story arcs through actually playing the character. That's probably why I was terrible at roleplay, so I'm glad realizing that has changed my approach.

    My playtests tend to be very long, but I usually, after several restarts (usually for mods and such and deciding on what to do), I can usually do one playtest as the character and that's all I'll need. This is why Urag gives me such trouble, because I keep restarting him. I am trying to find a playtest for him that encompasses ALL platforms very well. For me, it's very important that anybody can play my builds with only minor tweaks here and there, even if I myself use mods. I don't want anyone left out of the experience. 

    I will not lie, I overhauled my Freelancer, because the prior formatting was very 2015 if anyone remembers what I mean and I don't even think I was a 2015 style builder even in 2015, so I modeled it to better fit my aesthetic and my now WAY better Power Point Skillz. I am never satisfied with anything I do really. Like right now, I'm trying to settle on my new companion build to the Winter Bear, keeping the same aesthetic of that build, but also being different. I'm also still thinking Urag and Auroran in my brain, and Deebs' pure series. 

  • Member
    May 3, 2018

    Not sure if this was mentioned, but is there a way to integrate a spell-check module in the posting box itself? For some reason Chrome doesn't spell check what I post in here.

  • May 3, 2018

    So, as far as I know not really. There are a few extensions for chrome that you can use for spell-checking, but there's not really an on-site spell checker.