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Writers Discuss - Engaging Characters (#12)

  • Member
    September 13, 2015

    Well it certainly helps with the structuring and as you said it a big step towards Continuity.

  • Member
    September 16, 2015

    What do you mean by a time line, Sotek? What's the difference between that and an outline? Not all writers use outlining tools when making their stories.

  • September 16, 2015

    Yes, Sotek and I had been discussing this. It is a tool I use in particular. An outline may pertain to plot points whereas a time line may narrow down the time frame that plot point may occur. I see a difference. You can make an outline that doesn't have a time line involved. 

    Outlines can also be more flexible and don't necessarily have to do with plot at all. Character outlines, settings, lore, etc. Stuff like that. 

    No, not all writers use this tool, but when you are working on events that span at the least a few hundred years and at the most through eras, it is nice to keep those events straight, no? Some stories span longer than a few weeks or months. Continuity can become an issue, a timeline/outline can be a useful tool to keep the story straight, especially the more complex a tale is. 

    Now the more generic "Writers' aids" as Sotek suggested could encompass a lot of these techniques. 

  • Member
    September 16, 2015

    I guess my term "outline" happens to be a bigger umbrella. 

    "Outlines can also be more flexible and don't necessarily have to do with plot at all. Character outlines, settings, lore, etc. "

    I see what you're talking about, though I've never heard it referred to as 'outlining' specifically. Maybe infodumping or just 'writing articles for yourself.' Naturally if you're an outliner, this is the kind of stuff that be helpful to have. Like you said, it is particularly useful when you're trying to maintain continuity.

    Sorry for arguing semantics. XP

    I already had a different topic in mind for this week's discussion, but we'll lock this in as next week's topic. Would that be alright?

  • September 16, 2015

    Sorry for arguing semantics. XP

    No worries. 

    I cannot speak for Mr. Sotek, but I'm sure he'll be fine with the week delay. I doubt he'll bite you or send a Hircine thing out to get you or something like that. 

  • Member
    September 17, 2015

    An outline is crucial for me, my brain needs the structure. A 'backpack' is another tool I use where I keep track of the items they're carrying. Can't have them using a bottomless supply of health potions, or forget about some random item they picked up previously.