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The annoyances of writing...

  • Member
    December 23, 2014

    Time to blow off some steam. I write. I love writing. But sometimes, writing gets on my nerves.

    By far, the biggest thing I hate: writing is is a presentation of my ideas on a stupidly huge time delay. It's like, "Oh hey! Remember that awesome scene you thought about several months ago that you still haven't written yet? Yeah, have fun actually getting to that part."

    Sure, writing helps with the presentation of ideas and sharpens rough edges, but the thoughts bottle up in my head, slowly building pressure. Writing them is the only way to find release, but it happens SO.... SLOWLY... I just want to take my ideas, put them in a box and give it to people so that I don't have to spend months trying to share a ten-minute thought that I've already mulled over DOZENS OF TIMES. 

    I mean, just... GAH!!! IT DRIVES ME NUTS. 

    What about you? Any pet peeves or gripes about writing? Better yet, lighten the mood. What do you enjoy about writing? Share your thoughts.

  • Member
    December 23, 2014

    I'm having the exact same problem with the thinking up of scenes... I feel your pain

  • Member
    December 23, 2014
    I know your pain, man. I saved a blog draft of just ideas for blogs and builds. The trouble is getting to them while you're still excited about the idea(easier done with builds than straight fiction).
  • Member
    December 23, 2014

    For me I can be really excited by an idea I've had, the trouble for me is managing to find the right way to get them down on paper. At times I've had an idea in mind and I just can't find a way to get it down on paper the same as it is in my mind.

  • Member
    December 23, 2014


  • December 23, 2014


    Been like that for the past few months, sorry to the people who still actually read my blog :P

  • Member
    December 24, 2014
    I occasionally forget that you were initially a writer... now I just view you as a roleplayer and a GM. XD
  • Member
    December 24, 2014
    When writing, I often hit roadblocks, then I go to sleep and forget about the writing, then go back to it and hit another roadblock. It drives me nuts.
  • Member
    December 24, 2014
    It's often like drawing a picture - you know EXACTLY where everything is going to go, but you can NEVER actually do it properly...
  • December 28, 2014
    Ah! I get that as well. I hate getting all these great ideas in my head, I sit down pen in hand but... I just can't put it on paper. I can't lay it out write or anything or just cant project my ideas. It's why I don't write anymore, I just read. Also, I suck at spelling.