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The annoyances of writing...

  • Member
    December 28, 2014

    There have been times where I've rewritten a sentence because it did sound like it should in my head. It can be a good sentence but because it's not how I imagined it I rewrite it.

  • Member
    January 21, 2015

    generally speaking, my scenes were thought up waaaaay before they are written. like, i have been thinking of scenes for a story when i started playing in 2012, and i STILL haven't written them. In this case, i am my own worst enemy.  What happens is I'll write a chapter, like it, look at it a day later, and think "What total S**t". then it goes in the trash.

     story of my life

  • Member
    January 23, 2015

    I describe my writing as having a reverse echo effect. I'll have an idea, get it into my head, and then keep analyzing and rewriting it over and over again until it builds up to a point where it becomes loudest and must come out or "deafen" my mind for a few days.

    The only problem I have is that most of my efforts are never good enough for my self-imposed standards. Perfectionism is not a good ideal to have when you're as self-critical as I am.

    Another problem is, if I try to explain or talk about my ideas with someone, I tend to make little jumps and generally just think faster than I can explain everything. Imagine you're just talking to me for a while, I'm really awkward, shy, cute (c;), etc, and then you flick a little mind-switch and it's like watching a firework go off right in front of you. I mean, sheesh, talking to people is hard enough without spontaneously combusting.

    But when I get things right, when it matters so much or I've invested enough time, effort and emotion into this one piece, the memory of the reactions to it and the little "click" in your head,  there's no better feeling. The little voice saying "It's not perfect, but it fits.". It's like you put a bit of you, your essence as an individual onto a page and it was damn beautiful.

    This post got messy fast but I think it was worth it!

  • Member
    January 23, 2015

    This ^. This sums up everything! ^.^

  • Member
    January 23, 2015

    I can very well relate to this. Talking is just too slow, isn’t it? Someone needs to fix that. 

    On another note: perfectionism is good when in the right place. There are plenty of occupations where a perfectionistic attitude can be a huge hindrance. I firmly believe that writing is not one of them. My perfectionism is what drives me to excel, to go beyond people’s expectations. That’s a good thing, in my book.

    If my readers are going to invest their time to experience my stories, then I’m going to do everything in my power to make that investment WORTHWHILE. I don’t settle for what I think is second rate. I won’t. That’s an insult to the people who follow me. It’s everything I’ve got, or bust. 

  • Member
    January 23, 2015

    I feel this on a spiritual level.

  • January 23, 2015
    Too slow, too many awkward pauses, you don't have an endless amount of time to think about the perfect way to say something interesting/witty/etc. I'm not even a good writer, but it makes you realize how boring some stuff can be articulated in real life.

    By the way, love that last paragraph.
  • Member
    January 23, 2015

    I always think of the ending to a story before the beginning.

  • Member
    January 23, 2015

    I think that's pretty normal. I didn't come up with the DOTE's prologue until a couple months into the writing. I had an idea of how the story would end at that time, though admittedly it's changed since then.

  • Member
    January 27, 2015

    I hate how I can't seem to write good when I'm emotionally stable. Being angry, sad or anxious makes for inspiration for me....

    Oh, and sometimes I can't describe even the simplest things. -_-