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Possible Idea - A Meeting of the Minds

  • Member
    June 5, 2014

    My brain has hatched another idea. This one's kind of unusual... But I think it has potential, at least. ^_^'

    I've wanted to have some sort of deep discussion about blogs with other writers around here for some time. The problem is, its sometimes tough to have an engaging conversation over forum posts (at least, for me perhaps). So I thought about what sorts of other mediums could be used... Skype came to mind.

    What if we held a discussion between blog authors over a Skype chat? Answering questions, talking about current projects, having random bouts of conversation, etc... It would be possible to record this and upload it as a podcast-type thing. Regular folks on the blog could gain new insight into the inner workings of the stories they read, as well as perhaps learn more about the authors behind them.

    This does require a bit of stepping out compared to the usual anonymity of the internet, I'll admit. (It also requires Skype accounts and working microphones...) It'd probably be too uncomfortable for some folks. But I want to see if there would be any interest in this type of thing. It doesn't have to be exactly what I've laid it out to be - give me your thoughts or suggestions.

    So yay? Nay? Is this feasible or just a bit too crazy? 

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Well, I'm in for it. Just... Skype doesn't work for me until I have the monthly subscription back. I can still type and all, but not talk to other real well due to that.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Really? That's odd. I thought you didn't need a subscription to have regular voice chats.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    It's... you know how when you're downloading mods and you notice that the bar is not at the max for speed? That's how I know I'm using the monthly data plan (that's the phrase) up. It's what makes Skype stable for calls. Typing messages isn't affected by it though.

    But I'm still in for this, nonetheless.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    I'd be down to chat, but I'm not much for microphones. Historically a hassle for me.

  • June 6, 2014

    A few of us actually have Skype conversations form time to time! I would be more than happy to have a Blog-related discussion with an author or two! 

    My Skype username is EmerDareloth (if you can't remember that then I refuse to speak to you). 

  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    I hope you don't mind if I join in.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    My Skype is arean1926. Don't ask about the unusual name.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Accept my friend request and I'll PM you.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Alright, so I take it there's interest in something like this. That's good. 

    The next question is: what exactly will this look like? I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts first.