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Possible Idea - A Meeting of the Minds

  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    Well, when you say "look like", what do you mean? Explain?
  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    I mean what sort of skype chat would people want to have? What would we talk about? How would we organize it?
  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    I suppose we could simply check who is online and then talk it out with whoever. To organise something would be too difficult, what with all of us being scattered around the globe, and time zones and availability. Send me a Skype request and we can work it out then.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Oh, right. My Skype name is tr4vism.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Skype name: ben.weber93

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    I see. Alright. First let's figure out who all wants to be in on this - give a day or two for folks to see this discussion.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    lol. Stop making us look bad, Thistle.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Hey, don't belittle yourself. The fact that you openly admit this is more than enough reason for me to want you in the conversation. It shows a self-conscious, mature attitude. 

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    For some reason, I read that in the Dark Templar's voice.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    You have one of the highest quality blogs on the site, sir. Whether you're a sentient plant or a young guy, your skill speaks for itself. If any of us had a "complete" writing education, I imagine we'd be at book signings somewhere XD. In other words, you're good.