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Possible Idea - A Meeting of the Minds

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    I've never heard it said of anyone more than of authors that we're our own worst critics XD

  • June 6, 2014

    You and your mind games, we all know you're a claymore wielding, unicorn riding, kilt wearing Thistle, stop trying to make us think you're a human.

  • June 6, 2014

    I'm up for it, I've talked to you guys from time to time on the threads, but nothing beats a voiced conversation. I do like the sound of podcast, TSBPodcast maybe?

  • June 6, 2014

    Soneca798 is my Skype username

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    Podcast sounds way cool.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    I thought the idea had some merit. I don't know how well it would work, really. We'd probably want at least some bare-bones organization for topics. 

  • June 6, 2014

    Well, let's start small, a few conversations to see what we could do with this, and after a while who knows, we could have a monthly podcast, upload it to youtube and bring attention to the TSB

  • June 6, 2014

    I'll ask that all of you send me a Skype contact request (is that what they're called?). I'll set up a room for this and we'll kick it off right!

    My Skype username is EmerDareloth (again, that should be rather easy to remember). 

  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    I appreciate the help, Emer. Might be tricky to figure out a time that works for everyone, but hopefully we can pull something off.

  • June 6, 2014

    For now we'll just make a group specifically for this, and then we can work out the exact time for "meetings" (if that's what we're going to call them).