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Camp NaNo 2016

  • April 6, 2016

    Don't sweat it, I'm behind too. Once I get over this difficult chapter, I think I'll pick up the pace again, but honestly, I don't care if this latest chapter takes the whole weekend to do.

  • April 6, 2016

    Don't worry'll pick it up. I'm having a bit of a slump today, but I'm confident we can both have a great rest of NaNo. Good luck

  • April 8, 2016

    I didn't know that writing exhaustion was possible, but after writing around 1500 words today and passing the 75% mark, I'm gonna take a break. Whew.

  • Member
    April 9, 2016

    It is taxing when you really scratch and claw those words down. I'm struggling this month... Not beating my record but I'm at a respectable 12176 so far. NaNo isn't allowing me to update my word count at the moment.

    Keep going Probs, you're doing well.

    How is everyone else doing?

  • April 9, 2016

    Hey friend, I'm feeling you. I think I just broke 10,000. But, this section is so crucial to me that I did something smart, I edited my project. Lowered my word count from 50k to 35k. First, I don't think the end of Book 1 will be 50k words and second, it takes the stress off. I'm also focusing on just writing something, even if it sucks. Just get ideas down. It's the giant battle sequence that's the tough part for me. It's the climax of the whole book, so I want it to be impactful, but not go into the ludicrous. After this battle, things calm down and the writing is actually easier. 

  • Member
    April 9, 2016

    See this is where I live outside the box... Rational people would say to me to lower my word count and ease the pressure off. that is the right thing to do and it makes sense. Especially when you consider that I hate pressure.

    Yet that's when I fight back much harder. A cornered wolf is more dangerous they say.......

    You may find that I actually up my word count to put more strain on myself. Bizarre really yet it works...

  • April 9, 2016
    I hear you, but this part is too important to me. I don't care if this is the only section I finish this month, that's how much this section means to me to get it right. :)
  • Member
    April 12, 2016

    I never would have discovered that if not for you. I don't know whether I should be thanking you or gnawing off my leg.

  • Member
    April 14, 2016


    This is to everyone at NaNo camp, even you hippies..

    Don't start worrying if your word count seems too high. Lower it and enjoy the experience.  I've heard a few members are struggling with their goals, don't....

    Lower your word count target and ease the pressure.. Novembers the time to struggle and worry about it... For now, grab a patch of ground, take a seat and warm yourself by the fire...

    This is NaNo Camp after all.

  • April 14, 2016

    Holds goblet of werewolf blood in a campfire toast as she turns werewolf meat on a spit!  Hooray!