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Creating Your Own Artifacts

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  • Member
    October 6, 2015

    If you're not particular about the type of sword, I would suggest Orcish; I find it to be the most evocative of Mora. The RP behind this weapons is way cool! Well done :)

  • Member
    October 6, 2015

    What do you think of the name?

  • Member
    October 6, 2015

    Very fitting! Equal parts intriguing and intimidating.

  • December 12, 2015

    Currently I'm balls deep into my orc- smith character and I thought I'd share some of my artifacts and the thought process behind them.

    Shahnag's Soulstrapper- Yes, pretty basic stuff. It's a Glass Warhammer, 'cept for the fact that the glass parts are (well, not literally but roleplay- wise) in fact soul gems, since the Strapper has absorbed so many a soul that it now has developed a hunger for them. I have made sure to exploit the alchemy system to beef up the attack damage quite a bit, and have roleplayed that the Soulstrapper got its phenominal new power by dropping it in one of those pits in the Soul Cairn added by the Dawnguard DLC.

    Blackest Heart- As of now, I haven't made this weapon yet, since I still have to complete the Dawnguard Questline (I am level 41 and have taken to levelling enchanting and smithing prior to Dawnguard). The idea is that I'm using Harkon's Soul to create a weapon (I'm going with a Daedric Greatsword or a Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword for that dark look) that's ideal for a vampire. It has the Silent Moons Enchant, and Absorb Health.

    Then we have the King's Blades, but as it is quite late I will conclude with only one more.

    The Sovereign of Eternal Servitude- A Glass Greatsword, chosen for it's overall "regal" look in comparison to other weapons and enchanted with Paralyze and Soul Trap. The idea behind this is that every peasant must bow his head to their king and cease attack immediately (-> Paralyze) and since a King needs a court of servants, what better lesson is there for a horde of unloyal pigs who dared crossing their king than to serve him forever in the afterlife?

    I actually made much better weapons than this, but these are the only ones that came to mind when I wrote the comment lel

  • Member
    December 12, 2015
    Awesome weapons.
  • Member
    December 18, 2015

    I have an idea for a blade, but it would take some time to make. It is called Penumbra, and the blade was originally meant to be for Mehrunes Dagon when he took over Tamriel, but he was defeated before he could use it. The metal was taken from the lava pits of Mehrunes Dagon's realm before it could harden, and the dremoras used the magical powers of the Sigil Stones to morph the metal into the shape Dagon wanted. Once Dagon was defeated, it disappeared. When it wasn't found, the dremora started to realize that the blade might have absorbed some of the power from the Sigil Stones, and that it possibly has created a personality for itself. The Dragonborn finds it shortly after retrieving the Sigil Stone, and once again it gains a wielder. It is a Daedric Sword with enchantments of Absorb Health and Banish Daedra.

  • Member
    December 18, 2015

    Awesome, I have some ideas of artifacts, them are related to my stories, one is a blacksmith hammer what improves blacksmith skills and speech, the other is a two headed warhammer, and I think there should be more but I have to progress on my story. I want to make them like mods in a close future 

  • Member
    December 18, 2015


    A Sword Rumored to be forged from the Heart of Lorkhan this Blade was Forged by the Last Dragonborn himself at the skyforge in 4E 203. This weapon is said to Steal The Life and Soul out of the Victim and makes the person who is wielding the blade Immensely more powerful. However this blade has a Curse for whoever Wields it for too long Cant be Separated from the blade for if he loses it the Wielder Dies a horrible Death.

    The enchantment is The Vampiric Drain Enchantment and Soultrap 

    The Weapon itself is a Eastern Daedric Sword from Lore weapon Expansion 

  • Member
    December 18, 2015

    Nice Artifact!

  • Member
    December 18, 2015

    Lokskag (Sky Smiter)

    Found by my Dovahkiin in the basement of the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, it was obtained by Delphine who was found it in the ruins of a Blades outpost. It once belonged to an ancient Blade named Verava, who forged the sword in Akivir before travelling to Tamriel with the Akiviri army to find the Dragonborn. The sword was capable of bringing dragons to their knees, it is said that Dragonbane was modelled after it.

    Blades Sword found in the Sleeping Giant Inn, enchanted with Chaos Damage (25 points) and Damage Magicka (40 Points).