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General Gaming Event: Heroes

  • Member
    October 31, 2015

    It's 08:26 31/10/15 right now in UK. Can I go ahead and post my Event Build?

  • October 31, 2015

  • Member
    October 31, 2015

    Well it's 8:04 pm 31/10/15 ish in parts of Australia (Stupid daylight savings) so you're a little late 

  • October 31, 2015

    Go ahead. You've discovered Australian Time Zoned Events now Phil, it's been open for 18 hours now (Which in hindsight I really should have mentioned.) 

  • October 31, 2015

    But do you realize that England with it´s 0 time zone is the one and only true time?

  • Member
    October 31, 2015

    Yep, we invented time

  • Member
    October 31, 2015

    My Event build is up, at 9:05 Californian time. Hey Phil, I have a question about England, a lot of English youtubers mention how rainy and rather dreary it is there, true?

  • November 1, 2015

    Great work everyone so far who's posted Event Builds, it really shot activity up around here and we've had some great entries so far. If anyone else has a build for the group and would like to join in the Event then you've still got 5 days to post.

    The next Event will start at the end of the Crossworlds Event (because lets be honest...none of us are going to make solid builds here while that's running ). If you have any ideas for that event then check out the Suggestion Box and leave as many suggestions as you want. 

    Thanks Everyone for your participation here, whether it was with a build or liking them. And yes I know I should've waited until after the event but this is good enough. 

  • November 2, 2015

    You´re welcome, mate.

    Now, where´s my Oblivion build?!

  • November 5, 2015

    Finished all my Banners and Spreads (apparently making a Spread for all 3 acts of the game was a tougher idea than I thought) so the build should be out in a couple hours (need to finish writing it and then prepare it) or tomorrow. Either way I didn't fail (cheer for me, I can finish my own Events.)