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General Gaming Event: Heroes

  • October 24, 2015

    If your computer breaks it will be the ultimate form of irony.  My computer breaks for your event, yours breaks for mine. I'll be pretty excited to see it, DA:O is pretty much the greatest (shame it's just too long for me to fit in at the moment) and builds in that have the chance to look pretty awesome. Can't wait to see it Karver 

  • October 24, 2015

    I already can see the irony. It is restarting regulary for some reason since I downloaded Avast Antivirus today.

    Sometimes it runs longer than before, so I might be able to salvage the pictures I have there, so I could complete the build (+ all backup pictures for all my builds).

    But I really wouldn´t like to lose my mods for Oblivion and Skyrim. It took me some time to build the perfect mod setup...

  • October 24, 2015

    I know the feeling...I've been trying to balance my mod set-up for a week now, and I still haven't gotten all of them down. I hope your computer doesn't die (not just for my event ). 

  • October 24, 2015

    Don´t worry about the build for this Event. I will be able to finish it on my laptop if this fucker dies on me. 

  • October 24, 2015

    So I had to reboot my PC, so I lost all my games and stuff related to them. Fortunaly, my documents and pictures are untouched, so I can finish the build on my PC.

    But I am really pissed off by losing all my Oblivion and Skyrim mods. Thankfully, I can download most of the mods for Oblivion thanks to the list I put together in Classics. But the rest...I´m really pissed off.

  • Member
    October 28, 2015

    I'm planning on posting a Witcher wild Hunt Build in the next few days, am I too late to register for this event? I'm thinking the more the merrier...

  • October 28, 2015

    Yeah sorry, we're in a position at the moment where we don't want any more builds 

    Of course you can still participate Phil, it'll be great to see a build from you 

  • Member
    October 28, 2015

    Just about done with mine. So, since I can't take screenshots without putting them in the photos section, which is against the rules, could someone do a quick screenshot for me?

  • Member
    October 28, 2015

    Lol  Thanks DB, I'm just doing some final testing and trying to capture some gameplay footage.

    Are we allowed to use the Workshop for non-Skyrim/Fallout builds?

  • October 28, 2015

    Workshop will defiantly accept other builds