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Classics Character Building Event: Knights

  • January 6, 2016

    Damn. The Universe just don´t want you make builds for Oblivion...

  • January 7, 2016

    So, it´s been a week more or less since we started this. How you guys doing? Has anyone got past the planning and started playing? 

    I´m still more or less in planning stage. I have the character idea in my head, I got skills and equipment, I just need to come up with some roleplay plan, to make it interesting. 

    You, guys?

  • Member
    January 7, 2016

    I got some Skills and Equipment thought out, and I'm currently playing it. Going to have to relearn Oblivion though, its been months since I last played it

  • Member
    January 9, 2016

     Started my play through although I lost a couple levels worth of saves.

    And then of course I come with a new idea for a build

  • January 9, 2016

    Heh, yeah. I know that feeling. There is still time, so you can probably test more ideas before you settle with one.

  • Member
    January 14, 2016

    I think I need to restart my character since the save is bugged. I was doing Mazoga's quest but she'd just stand in the middle of the camp and when I spoke to her she tells me to go away and then everyone attacks me  That was only the start, at the moment everyone is frozen in place and all I can do is move the camera which just causes my character to spin on the spot.

  • January 16, 2016

    Damn, that sucks. No previous save? I know that feeling. I usually run only on Quicksaves. Why the hell I do that when I know Oblivion can mess up sometimes? 

  • January 16, 2016

    So, Knight of Orsinium is going quite well, and I have one pic to share. Have you ever seen Orc using Elven armor? You did just now.

  • Tim
    January 16, 2016

    Hehe, he looks so derpy with the fangs and in that armor :P

  • Member
    January 16, 2016

    awesome piece, Jake would love to serve with him.