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  • Member
    March 24, 2018

    Vezrabuto said:

    So Meridia would still despise a Necromancer even if he is a good guy right? 

    I thought of Something like she calls upon you to rid her of the necromancer kinda like fighting fire with fire. ^^ 

    Sounds good to me Vez! Yeah I think she would, meddling with the dead is a big no-no for her regardless of the reason - Daedra are fickle like that.

  • March 24, 2018
    I have asked a few questions on the TES subreddit always trying to figure out how a knight errant/Paladin Khajiit would fit TES lore but I always seem to hit a dead end. In many ways the little we have on Khajiit lore seems to not really support them having such a character type in their culture. There are obviously a few roles a Khajiit could fill to fit close to this type though: a member of the warrior guard or a city guard for example. What though would possess a Khajiit to pick up a sword and take a vow to help others and fight against the evil in Tamriel(which there’s plenty of)? There’s no real form of government in Elsweyr for a Khajiit to fight for but there must be some Khajiit who wish to fight to protect the everyday Khajiit. I have seen a lot of people suggest that such a Khajiit would serve Alkosh but from everything I’ve read on Khajiit religion Alkosh is not revered as much as Jone and Jode or the Riddle’thar. Jone and Jode are many things to the Khajiit including their guardians. Wouldn’t it make more sense for a Khajiit wishing to protect and help others do it in the name of Jone and Jode as opposed to Alkosh which to the Khajiit is a less revered god? I’ve also been told by many people that there is no real organization in Khajiit culture so there would never be an organized order of warriors who were dedicated to fight to help others. Is this really true though or would such a Khajiit just wonder around killing bad people with no real authority except their god that they serve? Or could there really be an organization recognized by the Khajiit that existed with the authority to do such things? And finally a lot of people seem to think that the Khajiit have no concept of law and order but we have examples of cities with guards enforcing law and keeping the peace. So once again couldn’t a Khajiit wishing to follow the path of a knight also be dedicated to keeping law and order amongst the Khajiit race?
  • Member
    March 24, 2018

    TheBigHosk said: I have asked a few questions on the TES subreddit always trying to figure out how a knight errant/Paladin Khajiit would fit TES lore but I always seem to hit a dead end. In many ways the little we have on Khajiit lore seems to not really support them having such a character type in their culture. There are obviously a few roles a Khajiit could fill to fit close to this type though: a member of the warrior guard or a city guard for example. What though would possess a Khajiit to pick up a sword and take a vow to help others and fight against the evil in Tamriel(which there’s plenty of)? There’s no real form of government in Elsweyr for a Khajiit to fight for but there must be some Khajiit who wish to fight to protect the everyday Khajiit. I have seen a lot of people suggest that such a Khajiit would serve Alkosh but from everything I’ve read on Khajiit religion Alkosh is not revered as much as Jone and Jode or the Riddle’thar. Jone and Jode are many things to the Khajiit including their guardians. Wouldn’t it make more sense for a Khajiit wishing to protect and help others do it in the name of Jone and Jode as opposed to Alkosh which to the Khajiit is a less revered god? I’ve also been told by many people that there is no real organization in Khajiit culture so there would never be an organized order of warriors who were dedicated to fight to help others. Is this really true though or would such a Khajiit just wonder around killing bad people with no real authority except their god that they serve? Or could there really be an organization recognized by the Khajiit that existed with the authority to do such things? And finally a lot of people seem to think that the Khajiit have no concept of law and order but we have examples of cities with guards enforcing law and keeping the peace. So once again couldn’t a Khajiit wishing to follow the path of a knight also be dedicated to keeping law and order amongst the Khajiit race?

    It's an interesting proposal and it is a tough one for sure. As you basically mention, there doesn't seem to be any inherent Khajiit specific group or faction or order that one would fall under that would fit this role.

    You could posit the Temple of the Two Moons? Graduates often get sent to aid others and other sections of the Khajiit to fight or protect.

    You could also work in something along the Mane and a current uprising of traditional Khajiiti rule. A protector of the Mane or such an agent inspired by the Mane to do good.

    I have also always had an idea of a cursed Khajiit, not necessarily evil, that was born out of the Void Nights that decides to rid the world of specifically Thalmor evil thinking they are both responsible for the disappearance of the moons and the reappearance on the Thalmor. This could be seen as a vow to end the possibility of the moons disappearing again, albeit a gesture not fully understood or known.

  • Member
    March 25, 2018

    Ooh, I love Khajiit lore! Okay, here's what I've got so far to help you after consulting my litterbox of lore. For Henson's answer, I would like to mention that sadly the Khajiit actually willingly accept and love the Thalmor. They have no idea the Thalmor (might) be lying to them about the Void Nights, so that might not be as likely. The Khajiit as a culture are not incredibly heroic; in fact, they praise thievery. I tend to think of Elsweyr as Riften but in the desert, where corruption is arise and good is often stomped out. Heck, an insult in Elsweyr is 'Dustface' or 'Clumsy Thief' it's also known in Ta'agran as 'Jikshoifo' because it implies one is too clumsy to be a thief. Two, while many of the Khajiit gods are either inwards focused, either on thievery, appearance, or moonsugar, Alkosh, Khenarthi, and Mara are very popular, especially Alkosh in the northern Anequinan deserts. Where does your Khajiit hail from? Anequina or Pelletine? Both have different views - for example, a warrior paladin from Anequina might be more harsh, more savage, and more tribal, whereas a warrior paladin from Pelletine might be more civilized, a 'Prince Charming' if you will. My Khajiit, who is liberally based off of Puss in Boots - but somewhat more maturely-rated - hails from Pelletine and as such has better manners and people skills, whereas my Khajiit drug smuggler from Anequina is very insulting and tribal. The Anequinans also typically hold out more dislike for the Thalmor, for the Pelletinians don't mind their overlords as they help the income and economy of the southern cities, so if you wanted to have your cat hate the elves, he could hail from somewhere like Dune or Rawl'k'tha in Anequina. Alkosh is very popular in Anequina, whereas Riddle'Thar is the main god in Pelletine, so that could also be considered. Perhaps your Khajiit was raised in another province? Maybe he was found by Breton nobles, or enslaved by House Dres or House Telvanni? These questions are both helpful when considering the religion and allegiance for your cat-warrior. As you've said, both Jone and Jode are very popular but both lack major worshipping parties, what you would want ideally is an Anequinan who either left his tribe in search of honour or glory (as an Anequinan would) or have him leave on some religious journey (of Alkosh) and then make his way North to Skyrim, at least, that would seem so. A Pelletinian would naturally sway to Riddle'Thar, the sugar god. Is your Khajiit the Dragonborn? That could also contribute to Alkosh. There could be a Khajiiti knight order but that is unlikely. Most religious organisations in Elsweyr are monasteries, some in the jungles - especially the Tenmar, to Riddle'Thar - but majorly the monasteries focus on martial arts, like the Two Moons Dance and the Five Fingered Dance, both to Riddle'Thar/Jone and Jode and Baan Dar respectively. Perhaps your paladin is a martial artist? That could prove interesting, rather than a mighty greatsword, but alas, I cannot make that decision for you. Feel free to PM me with any more questions about Khajiit lore, if you need some help.

    As something secondary, once more about Anequina, it is a more hardy kingdom, and as such, the Dragon-Cat King god of Alkosh is more superior to the others, who play more background roles. I might have already said that, I can't remember :D

    And finally on the Mane, there hasn't been one (known) since the last Mane's assassination - which I always headcannon as the work of the Dominion - so it is unlikely, but hey! You could even make your Khajiit the Mane, although why he would be in Skyrim, I have no idea. Another thing to consider is your character's breed? Is he Cathay-Raht, massive warriors, or is he a simple Suthay, who might fall more into a shadowy lifestyle? This kind of thing helps immensely, trust me. As a general rule, Cathay and Suthay-Raht, as well as Suthay, are generally thieves or merchants, while the larger species such as Tojay and Tojay-Raht, as well as the Cathay-Raht, are often warriors. Maybe he has a pet Senche? This doesn't really help your 'Good Guy' idea but he could always be a Dro'Mathra, a champion of Namira, if you will, a Shadow Khajiit who lives in the darkness, although as I mentioned, that doesn't really fit. Also, you could always just make an organisation up. Here's an example one, I can make another one if you wish. 

    'Khelij jora di Alkosh' - translates to - 'The Sword Sons of Alkosh' 

    Just a name in Ta'agran, I could do some more if you wish. That's what I've got right now, if you have any other questions about religion, biology, cities, that kind of thing, just ask! 


  • Member
    March 25, 2018

    Looks like we've got 2 of our lore experts on the case, so I don't think I can provide any more assistance that hasn't already been mentioned. But I'd thought I'd ask how you plan on translating your RP into gameplay. Sometimes it's tricky to actually do the good deeds the RP demands, so if you think about what actions you'll physically make in the game you might have a clearer idea of how the character acts, which can then help you decide which god to follow, if you're going lone wolf or not etc.

  • Member
    March 25, 2018

    Yay, Zonn called me a lore expert! I'd agree with Zonnonn there, it's quite odd with a Khajiit as something that always helps with roleplay is thinking about gameplay, both in limitations and restrictions. For example, if you've got mods, do yourself a favour and grab frostfall and Ineed. You won't look back. Another thing to always account for when you're a Khajiit is that they're usually not allowed inside cities, so how do you deal with this? Whatever side your char (or neither) takes in the civil war, maybe they grant him entry to a city? Does he worship Alkosh at normal shrines or does he carry his own around? Does he sneak inside cities, bribe his way in, or camp outside? Does he have any connections with the caravans, especially seeing most of the caravans are Anequinan in nature?

  • Member
    March 25, 2018


    @Wulfhedinn Jesus i've never seen so much Khajiit lore in a single post :D Now i know who to Ask for Khajiit questions :D 


  • Member
    March 25, 2018

    Thanks, Vez! Feel free to ask any questions you need, I'd be happy to answer them!

  • Member
    March 25, 2018


    Is there anything regarding Necromancy in Elsweyr? I would think the have theyre own methods of preservation of bodys due to the heat ^^ 

  • Member
    March 25, 2018

    Okay, here's what I've got. There aren't many Khajiiti mages in Elsweyr save the Dagi - who are only two feet tall - and even less necromancers among those mages, but what you've got to understand is that the Khajiit really couldn't give two fucks about their ancestors, if you know what I'm saying. It's said you can buy corpses in Senchal's port, although I can't remember exactly where I read that - maybe UESP or Imperial Library - and it's well known the desert sands preserve bodies incredibly well, so as I've said before, Anequinans - the Northern desert kingdom - might be better necromancers as they have more readily available corpses, while the jungles would only aid decomposition, so the Pelletinians might have it worse - also, they're more civilized. On the other hand, the most powerful Khajiit mages are Dagi, who happen to live in jungles, so there's that. It's also known the way Anequinans - and some Pelletinians - bury their corpses is simply under a small cairn of stones in the desert, meaning skilled necromancers can simply uncover the stones and they've got an undead pussy cat at their beck and call. It must also be said that the Sload have also been known to carry corpses from Senchal - a magnificent Khajiit port city, the largest in southern Tamriel - back to Stros'm'kai and Thras in great airships, although this is shadowy and not totally confirmed. That's about my knowledge on Khajiiti necromantic practices, hope that's good enough. 

    Oh, and Khajiit don't mind grave robbery, although it isn't seen as admirably as deception and charming robbery such as that exhibited by Rahjin.

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