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Art Group Services Request Thread

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  • January 24, 2017

    Hello! I've never really been to the art group before so if I do this wrong or something please let me know. I am currently making a fallout 4 character build and I am in need of help for a SPECIAL Stat spread. I would gladly appreciate any help I can get! Here's the background picture I want to use as well as the stats themselves. The whole build is like a Western Sniper type deal so I was thinking like bullet holes for the point representation but if that doesnt work just let me know! Also bobblehead/hard point investments(noted as "other")are different colors from original stats. Special Book has its own color as well. 


    S 1 starting+2 Other

    P 6 starting + 2 other

    E 4 starting

    C 4 starting + special book

    I 6 starting+ 1 other

    A 6 starting + 2 other

    L 1 starting


  • Member
    January 24, 2017

    Ok guys, I've got some free time... what am I saying that's pretty much all my time... Well anyway I'll be responding to each of you in this one post. By each of you I mean John, ShadowStalker, Wolfman and MaddMannetee. I'll also be fufilling your requests in that order as it is the order in which they were made :)

    Ok, John first. That should be easy enough, although I might have to search for a blood splatter that isn't cut off by the edges of the image, it will look better that way. It won't be that difficult, so it shouldn't take that long.

    Next, Shadow. The perk spreads I can do. However most people; myself included, are a little reluctant to dedicate the necessary time to create a drawing or other piece of art of that nature for another's build. If you are interested I could do some screenshots for you, all I'd need is for you to describe what the character is doing and where.

    Ok third is Wolfman. I'm going to have to find larger versions of those images, since as they are they are too small for me to use. If we're lucky there wont be any problems with that and I should have them done fairly quickly, after John and Shadow of course.

    And finally MaddMannettee. There's no need to worry, I might be the big bad host of this group but I wont bite... most likely. And by the way, welcome to this humble corner of the Vault, much like Urag gro-Shub I view this place as my own little realm of Oblivion (when I can be bothered :P). You however have provided me with what I need. I'm a little reluctant to mar that image with text, but I have an idea so I'll test it and get back to you with what is hopefully a Special Spread that will look wonderful in your build.

  • Member
    January 25, 2017

    Ok John, I've got that Special spread for you. Well actually two of it. While making it I decided to try two different colours for the text, to see which would stand out more against the background, but in the end I couldn't decide between the two. So I've decided to leave it up to you. If you click on each image it will take you to a slightly bigger version, since I had to shrink them slightly to get them to fit on the page.

  • Member
    January 25, 2017

    ShadowStalker, here is your perk spread. Now I had to stretch the image a little, but it shouldn't be too noticeable. I am however, quite fond of the text and hopefully you are as well :) Much like I said to John, just click on the image to be taken to a slightly larger version.

  • Member
    January 25, 2017
    Thank you so much!
  • Member
    January 25, 2017

    Good news Wolfman, I have your perk spreads right here. While I was retrieving larger versions of those images, I came across a different yet similar and in my opinion better, image for the major perks. So I thought "why not?" and created two versions of that spread for you to choose from. Just click on the images to see a bigger version of each, they should take you to another tab to do it.

  • Member
    January 25, 2017

    MaddMannatee, I have for you two versions of your requested Special Spread. One in which the starting points are green and the other where they are grey, personally I like the grey one better, but there is some merit to having them be coloured, so I decided I'd let you choose. And for your reference, the redish/orange ones are the "other" and the blue one is the Book.

    Like everyone else, just click on the images to be taken to a tab with larger versions.

  • January 25, 2017

    Holy Crap that looks so much better than I thought it would, thank you so much! I must say I am very impressed with how fast you got 4 people's requests done XD. I'm definitely going with the grey, looks so dope 

  • Member
    January 25, 2017

    MaddMannatee said:

    Holy Crap that looks so much better than I thought it would, thank you so much! I must say I am very impressed with how fast you got 4 people's requests done XD. I'm definitely going with the grey, looks so dope 

    Well I have been doing this for years (I'm honestly a little surprised at how long it's been), that plus the fact that the special spreads take far less time then the perk spreads and it sort of makes sense :D

  • January 26, 2017

    Thank you so much Golden:)