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Event Idea: Character Journal Competition

  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    Like I said, it would be much better if people just RPed the builds with the settings and difficulty they're comfortable with. No HUD isn't the end-all be-all of roleplay. I do think that the event and stories would be more interesting with DiD. That makes every truly difficult battle matter that much more.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    I think that's a fine idea. Creating divisions would open up the floor for inexperienced players. It might look spread thin over all the divisions, but if anything it will invite participation rather than deter it.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    Ah, right you are! Barring Novice, I'm sure that players'll eventually find themselves in a hairy fight somewhere down the road no matter which difficulty they end up choosing - with the intensity augmented by the DiD honor rule!

    Would you guys say that a final "on-death" entry should be allowed? Say...a couple of last words in the character's final moments? Or should we just let it cut off abruptly, leaving the reader to think things up and come to their own conclusions? (Or would you guys want both?)

  • November 11, 2014

    I think we should leave people with options in that regard.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014
    I have been thinking, given recent posts, to take 3-4 of my build characters and write a story or journal(s) for them.
  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    Make it optional, as Prisoner said. Hopefully people won't have trouble thinking of realistic conclusions. The character, left for dead, tugging out the journal for a final entry. Or maybe there's a letter attached to it as it's being delivered to next of kin or local authorities, leaving out some unknown details but with a good guess as to how the character died.

  • November 12, 2014

    Would we be able to play on harder

  • Member
    November 16, 2014
    I'm gonna do this on my next play through, not for the competition but just for fun. I've only don't DiD once and that was on vanilla skyrim, now I that i have mods I think it will be much more intense. I'll submit it to the RP page when I feel like it haha
  • Member
    November 17, 2014

    The idea is awesome. Will there be overall entries limit? It might become a pain if someone created 1000 page detailed journal. The nature of sudden death challange should limit the content, but still... Anyway, i'm certainly going to try it next playthrough. (Next time going for unarmed, should be even more fun than my current character)

  • Member
    November 17, 2014

    Oh yeah, I'm still trying to figure that out. Right now, the only thing preventing something as detailed as that would be...well, the impact of the story told through the journal in itself. 

    Unless you have any ideas? O: