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Event Idea: Character Journal Competition

  • Member
    November 9, 2014

    This is a brilliant idea! 

    As far as the honour thing concerned; I don't think it's actually much of a problem as the journal is the product and not the play through itself.

    Also I think it could be even more awesome if the competition was to play whichever build that was chosen, on Legendary, DID and no HUD... a challenge I tried once before... died at lvl 23.

    Anyways! Id love to partake in an event like this and now I feel all inspired and hyped, I hope this actually becomes a thing.   

  • Member
    November 9, 2014

    Legendary DID with no HUD? That sounds tough...though I'm quite certain that it would make one heck of a story - especially with creative freedoms included! :D Let's see what the others think about that though...but I'm already liking that twist o;

    As for the build restriction, I was hoping that a restricted build would be a means to make the judging process easier at the end of the competition! If this is alright with whoever the judges will be, then I suppose that'll be fine too o; 

  • Member
    November 10, 2014

    Hm...I've been thinking on this for a while...and was wondering how easy or difficult it would be for one to take a "screenshot" of something on a console? 

    As an alternative to simply describing the "death" of a person towards the end, the player might be able to provide a simple screenshot of an abandoned book (Of any sort, considering that not everyone will be able to get hold of a journal), dropped within the area of the player's "first" death....potentially near a skeleton, or around a crowd of enemies, if possible. At least...supposing that the death comes from something obvious! 

    This might result in varying levels of ambiguity depending on the nature and location of death - though whether or not this is a good thing can be left to the writer to decide O: Thoughts?

  • November 11, 2014

    I feel like no HUD is stupid:

    26th Hearthfire, 4E 201

    I almost died today. I ran into a bandit ambush, and managed to take down three, but as the last rushed me I only just in time realised I'd been stabbed several times in the chest, was about to die, and needed to fall back.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    What does that have to do with the HUD?

    It would honestly probably be better to just let people RP the builds with the difficulty and settings they're comfortable with, though.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    I've played with no HUD and no sneak meter (don't know if the sneak thing is in the HUD) But the most challenging ive found is the no enemy health meter. Thats an interesting way to play and kind of shifts focus in a way, at least for me

  • November 11, 2014

    If you have no HUD, you can't see what your health is. While realistically, you'd probably be able to tell if you were about to die, in a game of course it's impossible without a health bar. And having no HUD means no health bar.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014
    I don't think it's quite that progressive. It gets red when your health is pretty low, and very red just before you die. Not much use as a gauge of how you're doing, I would think. You play like that, Ben?
  • November 11, 2014

    I know, but I still find it extremely tough to tell, and often find myself dying without realising when I play HUDless. It's just this seemed like a fun idea but if it ends up just being all about the hardcore (Legendary difficulty, no HUD, DiD), I might have to skip it.

  • Member
    November 11, 2014

    Hm...I suppose difficulty would affect the length of each player's journal...decreasing in size per each difficulty level. Whilst harder modes may make for better stories and descriptions...a lack in sheer quantity due to an (assumedly) earlier death may risk putting it behind. 

    But how's this though - in light of that, we could create a certain number of "divisions" for the challenge....Such as the Adept division, Expert division...and even Master division (With/without an HUD?)! That way, each journal (and difficulty) can be assessed in its own regard, and compared only to others if similar difficulty. 

    The problem of course with this is...well, depending on the number of people who pitch in, the competition might end up being spread very thin overall. Still...thoughts?