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Analyze a Blog: Myth Maker

  • February 12, 2014

    Even if it didn't turn the sword to liquid, it would make the sword useless as a weapon. Sword making is delicate, and if you re-heat the sword after completion, you can make it brittle, and break. I'm not a master smith, so don't quote me on that. I DO know that you mess with the tempering, you mess with how effective the blade is.  

  • February 12, 2014

    I think you did well describing Gram and this is coming from someone who really doesn't like the idea of it being a stereotypical Nord who hates the Thalmor.

    The plot is really interesting because of that trial, even though, I'll still say this as I have months ago, I'm not fan of the main character being overpowered right off the bat.

    I forgot where I had left off but I'll finish reading it, I always put likes in the last chapter I read as a reminder

    Why chose Solitude as the starting place? I'd assume you'd be more pro-Windhelm.

  • February 12, 2014

    Go for it! If you don't believe in yourself, then believe in me, who believes in you! (paraphrased) -Kamina

  • February 12, 2014

    Thanks, Arm. I don't think I explained why Gram hates the Thalmor, but he doesn't hate every single elf just because they're elves. If I haven't explained why he hates them, it will become apparent in a bit. 

    I chose Solitude because that's the city that the Thalmor have the most influence in. Gram being accused, and taken to a mock trial wouldn't happen in any other city. That's the trigger to this story. Gram considers himself belonging to all of Skyrim, not just Imperial or Stormcloak, but  I'd bet he choose  Ulfric over Tulius unless some other reasons are involved. 

  • February 12, 2014

    I never wanted to make it transform nor have something quite like some of the more devastating ones, really, the ones that appeal to me the most are the more subtle ones, like (spoilers follow):

    Aizen's Illusion, or Gin's "poison". Honestly I feel like the second captain's nuke and Byakuya's petal blades are a bit silly and I would NEVER do something quite like it. 

    BUT, I have to disagree with one thing you said, even if what really matters is in fact the power and skill of said person, a quality weapon (or even a magic one at that) can greatly affect the outcome of a battle.

    I must say this though, I'm glad we think alike on the skill vs power thing. Most (if not all) animes and some games don't make this distinction and it annoys me greatly.

  • February 12, 2014

    Ebony, in the elder scrolls, is a 'fantasy metal', but obsidian (a volcanic 'glass'), melts around 1000 C (c. 1800 F). But keep in mind, the obsidian itself would have to reach that temperature, not being simply exposed to it for a short amount of time; the amount of time is based on the heat (not the same thing as temperature, btw) and the amount of obsidian.

    Edit: And I don't consider 'ebony' a volcanic glass (regardless of the UESP); you cannot forge a volcanic glass (or any rock, but rather metals extracted from the rock). I consider 'ebony' a rare metal, that resembles a volcanic glass in appearance.

  • February 12, 2014

    Yeah, I still wouldn't do something like that for a weapon if that was me. I mean, it's a bit  extreme for me. Maybe a tweek of spells in the lore, but that's about it.  

  • February 12, 2014

    That, is a nice idea actually, but I would still like to do a little more than just a few tweaks for something like a daedric artifact, they are just sooooo under apreciated in the game

  • February 12, 2014

    They weren't that great in the game. And don't act so surprised when I say something brilliant 

  • February 12, 2014
