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Analyze a Blog: Myth Maker

  • February 12, 2014

    I remember when I was first reading that Gram always talked about that sword, so much that I began to really look forward to when he unsheathed it. Now, I was expecting something a little more cataclysmic, but your portrayal of a strong fire enchantment was really good.

    Hmmmmm.... Wrath...

    Can't help but remind me of something, it's interesting how some similarities pop up here and there between our two stories, even though we just started reading each other's recently, and there is no real way of you or me copying each other, still, great minds think alike I guess. 

  • February 12, 2014


    For the sword, did you think the earth would quake and the seas bubble? It is probably the baddest sword seen on nirn for a while. Its made of dragonbone because it doesn't melt in dragon's fire, like an ebony sword might. It is a claymore for the force it can generate to get past dragons scales. In the blog, ebony can do this, but like I said, ebony isn't fire resistant. 

    In the fight between Gram and the Ebony Warrior, I wanted to show how good the Ebony Warrior was with his technique vs Grams power. Gram also didn't turn into his "final form" ,to quote DBZ, during the fight with the Ebony warrior.

    The sword can slice through people like a light saber, and it will be much more devastating in Of Blood and Fire.

    I chose Grams name because of that aspect of his personality. It was a nickname he earned in Bruma for his temper. "Mad Dog Gram"

  • February 12, 2014

    Lol, did not say I expected that much cataclysm, but still...

    And I could swear that ebony is fire resistant...

  • February 12, 2014

    what were you expecting? Ebony is a type of volcanic glass. It's not like Stalhrim that's weird and we don't understand it. 

    Glass can melt. 

  • February 12, 2014

    And while we are on the subject of weapons, is there anything cool you have planed to do using a weapon? Either of your creation or one already existing, not to ask something about my own blog here but... 

    How crazy would you get with weapons? Again, either ones created by yourself or ones existing in the game. I am still going through this with some caution, for now the weapons that have more emphasis on my blog are Molag Bal's mace (hate that weapon btw) and Lucius's ebony saber (yes it has a name and once he chooses to unsheathe it you will see), but I also want to add some crazy stuff to those things, and by that I mean crazy levels (Almost Bankai ish) or maybe not that far. BUUUUUUT, I wanted to know, what is your opinion on that matter?

  • February 12, 2014

    But it would need insane amounts of heat to melt it though, I swear I read that somewhere...

  • February 12, 2014

    Dragon fire should be able to melt just about everything that aint't dragon.

  • Member
    February 12, 2014
    If not melt, at least have the heat seep through and give 2nd-3rd degree burns...
  • February 12, 2014

    You make me want to get back in to just writing. It's been awhile since I've actually tried. I'd like to see what I can do.

    Thanks for the inspiration (although I don't see myself doing what I proposed )

  • February 12, 2014

    I haven't planned on doing anything like a Bankai. In the next few posts, we'll see the crossbow and the Stalhrim dagger being used, as well as Epilogue. We will see some interesting( to me at least) and cool stuff associated with them. Nothing too crazy, like them transforming. 

    My opinion of doing Bankai stuff in your blog is "don't do it." I wouldn't, me personally, do something like that because the weapon itself, in the end, is just a weapon. The one using it has the real power. Like in the fight with Gram and EW, Gram's sword was superior to the EW's, but the skill EW had was greater.