Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

POLL - How Often do you visit CB?

Tags: #CB Weekly Poll 
  • April 19, 2018

    So quick side question. Would bringing back the Weekly Roundups (just a compilation of all the builds posted in the week, including WiP's) help people? I was running them (weekly) for a fair while but there wasn't much of a noticeable reaction to builds getting comments/likes or replies to the Roundup so I just assumed nobody was using them. BUT, it seems like it might be fairly useful if I were to continue them so people could see builds if they pop by once a week or less.

    Might have to talk to the Admins Three about getting it out via email as well...dunno, how many people use email notifications to check stuff.



  • Member
    April 20, 2018

    I for one think that's a great idea. I did like seeing new builds that people were doing, it makes it easier than hunting for new builds in the search bar... It also is a good way for the comunity to see what new builders have to offer and for acomplished builders to offer new comers some helpful tips and guidance. So yea definantly on board to bring this back :)

  • April 20, 2018

    That would be ideal yeah, or it was the intent behind the Roundups. You know what, I think I'll bring them back starting at the end of the week (so Sunday).

  • April 20, 2018

    That would be ideal yeah, or it was the intent behind the Roundups. You know what, I think I'll bring them back starting at the end of the week (so Sunday).

  • April 21, 2018

    I think I'll be closing the poll at the end of the day, but I wanted to thank the 22 people who dropped a vote and those who've commented on the thread here. I think I'm going to dedicate the rest of April to running some discussions about changing some stuff around the group or just seeing if anyone has thoughts on anything that would grab their interest in the group, or just getting you more active.

    Feel free to drop comments here if you've got any thoughts, but yeah will be an engaging week.