Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

POLL - How Often do you visit CB?

Tags: #CB Weekly Poll 
  • April 19, 2018

    It’s kinda strange, I used to only hang around the Character Building group and dip into the others, but over the last two weeks or so that I’ve returned to the site I’ve been everywhere but the CB group unless I see something getting a lot of traction in the feed.

    It does seem like that's a fairly common answer/approach to things. Thanks for answering Joshua, is there anything you think might bring you here more often?

  • Member
    April 19, 2018
    I’m not too sure. Realistically, I think it’s just a matter of fatigue. I’ve been playing this game for six years straight now in every way possible, and Character builds, even the ordinator ones, are just retreads of what I’ve done before. My interest in the builds now are about the presentation and role play behind it.
  • Member
    April 19, 2018

    Man, I've gotta admit that I'm not here even close to enough. It's for a similar reason to Joshua's - I'm so fatigued with the game that gameplay, perhaps the biggests part of the majority of builds, isn't a massive draw for me anymore. Still love RP and backstories and how they fit into characters progression and play and all that, which is why I'm still here a bit. I'll try and pop around more though, I'm around weekly at the minute.

  • April 19, 2018
    I used to view the archives almost daily, and the actual building forum almost as much. I think the ordinator builds are interesting, but my game lags like crazy whenever I install the mod. I'm aiming to start recreating the classes from Morrowind, so I reckon I'll be on the forum for a while.
  • April 19, 2018

    Lol, when I hosted CB, I'd visit that section so many times a day, I lost count. Now, not so much, mostly when Deebs has got an event kicking or when the features draw my attention to a build, or when a builder from the workshop finishes. 

  • April 19, 2018
    @The Long-Chapper Here's an idea for an event: Morrowind class builds. Morrowind is being ported to the XB1 store, so why not recreate the classes from that game?
  • April 19, 2018
    Man, I've gotta admit that I'm not here even close to enough. It's for a similar reason to Joshua's - I'm so fatigued with the game that gameplay, perhaps the biggests part of the majority of builds, isn't a massive draw for me anymore. Still love RP and backstories and how they fit into characters progression and play and all that, which is why I'm still here a bit. I'll try and pop around more though, I'm around weekly at the minute.

    Fair enough Zonn, honestly a little before I started hosting I was just about ready to finally give in and stop being active as a builder, course I'm too much of an obsessive commenter to stop commenting, but there was a chunk there where gameplay was just getting too dry for me to really get into it. I think I've more or less negated that by combining Ordinator (and Enai Siaion's other mods) with New Worlds or Sprawling Quest Mods so that when I play a build now, I'm rarely playing the Vanilla content at all. But yeah, totally get the idea of being fed up with the Gameplay aspects of builds, which is why I think that's fading out more and more.

  • April 19, 2018

    I used to view the archives almost daily, and the actual building forum almost as much. I think the ordinator builds are interesting, but my game lags like crazy whenever I install the mod. I'm aiming to start recreating the classes from Morrowind, so I reckon I'll be on the forum for a while.

    That's super weird... I assume the lag is noteworthy (so your game doesn't lag a build anyway). Are there any other mods you have that might conflict with it? Just strange, Ordinator might be pretty large but it's relatively tame when it comes to how taxing it is. Anyway, the recreation idea seems pretty cool, though there might not be much point I thought I'd mention a mod called Character Creation Overhaul which adds stuff like Specializations, Birthsigns, Classes and a few other things. It also has a Custom Class, though I think all the preset ones have special bonuses. But yeah, if Ordinator causes lag this one might too, but it was always really good for a bit of a old-school class.

    Anyway, hope to see you around more Kodaav, and thanks for dropping your thoughts :)

    Here's an idea for an event: Morrowind class builds. Morrowind is being ported to the XB1 store, so why not recreate the classes from that game?

    There was an Event a couple years ago called Classes that was basically the idea of recreating old classes (or at least making builds based on them). I probably wouldn't run it as a full event anytime soon just because I think there are still new ideas I could use, but I could definitely run it as a Flash Event where we make Level 20 (though I might bump it up to Level 25) or lower builds over two weeks. I don't know, if it's something a lot of people want badly enough I'd definetly run the damn thing, afterall it has been a few years since the last Event.

  • April 19, 2018
    I do have the graphics overhaul, along with the Bruma mod. I also have alternate start. I think the lag is mostly due to the Bruma mod, as it is quite large. Then again, I have had no lagging issues with my current play through.
  • April 19, 2018

    Hmm, yeah can't figure that out then. If the current playthrough isn't lagging then...hmm not sure.  Because honestly Bruma or the Graphics Overhauls are the ones that might make a game lag, never heard of Ordinator doing it...I'll look around and see if I can find anything if you'd like.