Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Event Build: The Totem Paths

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    You might be surprised but the dragons were actually quite easy (in vanilla skyrim), you just had to duck behind cover when they were in flight, then close the distance as fast as possible when they would land, bash them in the face as they try to shout and use your dagger. The stance doesn't really matter here, although having critical charge may help making the "closing the distance" more profitable damage-Wise.

    As for dragon priests, yes they are a pain in the behind. When I did the wolf I came quite unprepared and had been trying to hone my block skills in the dungeon (basicly just taking hits) so my potion stock was painfully empty. At this point you just have to use your brain and possibly retreat (stubborn as I am I did not retreat). Rahgot uses a cloak spell which was the most annoying thing about him, so whenever the spell would run out I would close in and hit the bastard, then scurry off to cover as soon as he managed to get it up again. Let's just say it wasn't easy and it involved a lot of reloading. So there is one thing I can say: Go prepared, potion up and perhaps even use some restoration if that's more your thing (also it tends to be cheaper on the long run than visiting apothecaries). For krosis it was a whole other story due to it's dragonfriend I settled on focusing on the dragon and going full on Hawk's Sorrow (the gods be thanked he was outside on that isolated mountaintop).

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    Well to be honest I'm afraid it will take a while before the next one is completely tested, I strangely enough have less personal time on my hands during holidays than when I'm at home in college.

    But anyway, if you like what you see I suggest clicking on the little "Teineeva" tag. I have a few other builds that you might like.

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    No offense taken (never saw any to begin with). I actually like talking about this kind of stuff so really it was my pleasure.

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    Wow! that's increditable!

    You found a good pattern against the dragons. I'm impressed! This has inspired me to make a discussion I've been thinking about for the last few weeks. Now, I know I will start it soon now. Thank you. Your words of wisdom are words to live by against those dragon priests!Prep. is essential!

    I recently found out that repel undead spells and bane of undead spells are super effective on them! I found this out a couple months back but, I'm sure everyone around here knew that so. ....

    In the nearby future, I will definitely read your tag. Your lore descriptions are very good. I learned alot from this build alone. I can imagine what other surprises await there.

  • Member
    August 1, 2015

    Well to be honest that pattern has helped me ever since I started playing, never liked fighting dragons in any other way. You should try it on some other things: the whole "Bash to the face then hit" works marvelous on a whole arrangement of enemies .

    I actually never thought about using those spells during this build, I know it works but just didn't think about it, I'll have to remember bringing some scrolls next time I fight one of them.

    As to the lore description I'm afraid I will have to say that most of the lore on this page is only semi-canon as there are no pre-processed sources (in game books and dialogue) that clearly link these totems (except the dragon-alduin one) to the respective gods, or why they were linked in such a way, so that's all on me. If you are interested in canon lore though I suggest you have a look at my Miredancer, It's a necro-paladin kind of character based entirely upon argonian lore.

  • Member
    August 3, 2015
    Oh yes, I'm quite familiar with blocking and bashing. Its very good tactic indeed! especially those who like to rely on power attacks. Most of the characters I play are hybrids who do a little of everything at some point or another. I will indeed, take a look at the Miredancer, with a combination like that, I'm sure that will be a great read that I can get some inspiration from for future playthroughs. Thanks alot!
  • Member
    August 5, 2015
    The concept of only leveling 2 skills to 100, then making them legendary to work on two different skills (and thus a different build) is really cool... a chance to play a bunch of different mini-builds in one mega-build is also really cool. Can't wait to see how the others turn out! ;D
  • Member
    September 22, 2015

    Very cool to see this up at last!  (+1, obviously :))I'll have to give it all a thorough read, but you've done a great job with the writing and presentation. 

  • Member
    September 22, 2015

    Thanks Paul, However to be honest, I haven't completely finished playtesting it (hence why there are still paths missing). I think I'll have it ready before the end of oktober, sadly time and interest in rushing yet another path (especially the mage ones) is on short supply.

  • Member
    September 23, 2015

    I see some new content has been added here since the last time I read this, another fine read. Keep'em coming! but take your time. In this case, too bad that there isn't a way to apply another like to a build that gets new quality content on a already liked build. Nonetheless still a +1.